Nordic workshop on impact

On March 27th, OSIRIS, in cooperation with NOS-HS, hosted a Nordic workshop on impact in the social sciences and humanities.

Five people sitting at a panel.

Nordic research council panel discussing impact of social science and humanities. Photo: Magnus Gulbrandsen.

About the workshop

The workshop discussed the complexities of the new buzzword of impact used in science policy to describe the expectations that science in one way or another will lead to benefits outside of the scientific community. The wokshop higlighted how the request of impact in EU policy documents, research support, and national evaluation efforts leads to difficult questions about evaluation, timing, indicators and policy.

The multifaceted role of research councils when it comes to impact was also discussed. Keynotes represented theoretical and practical analyses and roundtable discussions with researchers and practitioners was held. The 60 participants were delegates from all the Nordic countries involved in policy, funding, administration and support of research within social science and humanities and researchers interested in the topic of impact.

A powerpoint slide with the heading "Research impact as a train metaphor".
Presentation by Paul Benneworth, Uni.Twente. Photo: Magnus Gulbrandsen.


Full workshop program and presentations for download.

By Stine Bruland
Published Apr. 5, 2017 2:45 PM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 9:11 AM