Published Oct. 19, 2018 4:21 PM

Researcher Gry Cecilie Høiland will defend her thesis «Frontline policy implementation in public organizations. A sociological analysis of the ‘how and why’ of implementation gaps» on November 1st.

Published June 7, 2018 2:46 PM

This week, several OSIRIS team members are attending EU-SPRI 2018: Governance and relevance: Towards a new generation of research and innovation policies.

Published May 3, 2018 6:13 PM

In May 2018, OSIRIS starts a pilot study of how policy makers and practitioners in public sector organizations use scientific knowledge. Our goal is to gain new insights into how scientific knowledge is used in public organizations, and into the different conditions that influence the use of knowledge in policymaking and practice.

Published Apr. 27, 2018 3:55 PM

The UK Research Excellence Framework, commonly known as the REF, is the most widely discussed approach to evaluating the quality and impact of research. But why is this approach not used outside of the UK? This timely question is analysed in a new blog post from Gunnar Sivertsen at the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU): Why has no other European country adopted the Research Excellence Framework?

Published Apr. 5, 2018 1:45 PM

What are the basic methods and challenges when measuring societal impact of research? This fundamental topic is treated in a thorough blog post published today.