Workshop on Medical Innovation

In mid-December 2017 the OSIRIS team co-hosted and participated at the Workshop on Medical Innovation at the University of Iceland.

Group photo of a large group of people outside

Workshop participants enjoying good discussions and perfect Icelandic weather.

Together with the University of Iceland and Gothenburg University, OSIRIS organized the annual Workshop on Medical Innovation (WOMI) in mid-December 2017. For two days around 20 researchers from all over Europe were gathered at the University of Iceland for discussions about academic papers, projects and future research agendas. The main topics at the workshop covered different perspectives on medical research and innovation:

  • Public policy
  • Evolution of knowledge
  • Education related to innovation and entrepreneurship within healthcare
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Networks

Magnus Gulbrandsen and Taran Thune from the OSIRIS team participated and presented the OSIRIS survey work related to use of research in healthcare and policymaking. This was the fifth consecutive WOMI workshop - the first one was organised by Gulbrandsen and Thune in Oslo in 2013 as part of the STILS project, which resulted in a special section of the leading innovation journal Research Policy on hospitals and Innovation.

The next WOMI will take place in December 2018 at Utrecht University.

Published Mar. 6, 2018 2:50 PM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 10:53 AM