OSIRIS workshop in Oslo: Case studies

 In January, the OSIRIS team gathered for a case study workshop. A total of 18 cases in different stages of maturity were discussed.

The team gathered in front of Tøyen Hovegård in the beautiful Oslo winter weather. Back row from the left: Derry Keohane, Jakob Edler, Lars Wenaas, Magnus Gulbrandsen, Trust Saidi, Jordi Molas Gallart, Richard Woolley. Front row from the left: Gry Cecilie Høiland, Silje Maria Tellmann, Taran Thune, Frauke Rohden, Maria Karaulova, Kate Barker. Not present at the time: Arvid Raknerud, Knut Einar Rosendahl. Photo: UiO.

The core of the OSIRIS case study approach is to look at impact from the user side, select cases base on problem areas, as well as study the context of impact and the characteristics of the impact process.

With this in mind, 15 researchers from the team gathered for a 2-day workshop in Oslo to plan and coordinate the OSIRIS case work in the coming years.

People around a table watching a man presenting
Jakob Edler (MIoIR) presents group work on user sites.

The discussions centered around themes such as terminology (does the word research mean the same thing to researchers and users?), cooperation and synergies between cases, problem area characteristics, how to map the knowledge base, user sites, process tracing and data sharing.

A key part of the work was defining how the OSIRIS approach builds upon but also differentiates itself from earlier studies and projects on impact. This meant agreeing on what the OSIRIS approach entails, and how it should be implemented in practice. The workshop was also an opportunity to discuss main challenges so far, and what may be learned from these preliminary experiences.

The workshop will result in an updated OSIRIS case template and timeline, as well as increased cooperation on case work between individual team members and across partner institutions. The team will also create web pages for each case, so information about ongoing research and results will be publicly available.

Lastly, the workshop introduced two new members of the team; Ph.d candidate Frauke Rohden (TIK), and researcher Knut Einar Rosendahl (SSB). Knut Einar will join the team at Statistics Norway doing micro- and macroeconomic work, and Frauke will join the TIK team with her project centered on case work in social media and other online spaces.

List of OSIRIS cases

Health and care

  • Oral health among the elderly (TIK)
  • Immunological diseases (TIK)
  • Work inclusion of people with disabilites (TIK)
  • Rare diseases (INGENIO)
  • Patients in clinical studies (TIK)


  • Robots in agriculture (possibly a supporting case on drones) (INGENIO)
  • Potential supporting case: Biology in the culinary arts (TIK)
  • Potential case: Hi-fi industry (INGENIO)
  • Potential case: 5G - next generation moble network (TIK and Telenor)
  • Potential case: Seismic data (TIK)


  • Transport policy in Greater Manchester (MIoIR)
  • Supporting case: POST notes in UK Parliament (MIoIR)
  • Behavioural economics (MIoIR)
  • Intermediaries - three directorates (TIK)
  • Marine biodiversity (TIK)
  • Supporting case: Nutrition advice in Norway (TIK)
  • Supporting case: Anti-gambling policy (INGENIO)
  • Potential case: Mirror marine biodiverity case in UK (MIoIR)
Published Feb. 7, 2019 4:26 PM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 10:59 AM