From science policy to social media: OSIRIS Consortium meeting 2019

On November 7-8, OSIRIS gathered for an intensive consortium workshop. Seven drafts for scientific papers were presented and reviewed, as well as several new ideas for upcoming papers and case studies.

Group photo of participants

Back row from the left: Joar Kvamsås, Lars Wenaas, Fulvio Castellacci, Richard Woolley, Svein Olav Nås. Middle row: Arvid Raknerud, Pierre Mohnen, Marina Rybalka, Taran Thune, Barry Bozeman, Kari-Elisabeth Skogen, Frauke Rohden, Maria Karaulova, Trust Saidi, Derry Keohane. Front row: Paul Benneworth, Magnus Gulbrandsen, Mireille Matt, Silje Tellmann.

With representatives from all partner institutions as well as several guests, the OSIRIS consortium meeting proved to be a fruitful arena for presenting and providing feedback on ongoing research in the centre.

The consortium was joined by Mireille Matt (LISIS Interdisciplinary Laboratory Science Innovation Society), Barry Bozeman (Arizona State University) and Paul Benneworth (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences), as well as newly joined professor II Pierre Mohnen (Maastricht University).

The exernal guests provided valuable input and viewpoints, and professors Matt and Bozeman also held keynotes.. Professor Matt's talk focused on real-time impact assessment, wheras professor's Bozeman's talk and subsequent discussion was titled Public values criteria in science policy and evaluation: challenges of moving from theory to application.

The goal of the workshop was to further the ongoing writing work in progress. The team has done extensive data gathering in the past years, among other things through a large survey among norwegian policymakers. There are now several papers in progress, some of which were presented and commentated upon in the meeting. The papers deal with differents subjects, hereunder practices in public agencies’ R&D departments, different forms of knowledge transfer, alignment of scientific impact and societal relevance, and impact of public R&D instruments on firms' performance.

The workshop also provided an opportunity to present new ideas, and for junior researchers to present their ongoing work. OSIRIS now hosts five PhD candidates, all of whom participated in the workshop and presented their projects and ideas. Among the topics were Open Access & Open Science, network analysis and science communication through social media.

The workshop ended with an open discussion on plans for 2020. In addition, one half of the participants will reconvene next week at the OSIRIS writing retreat - hopefully bringing  the feedback and good ideas from this workshop with them. We look forward to seeing the published results in the coming year/s.

Published Nov. 13, 2019 9:49 AM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 11:00 AM