New in OSIRIS: Frauke Rohden and Joar Kvamsås

OSIRIS is happy to announce two new members of the research team: Ph.D. candidates Frauke Rohden and Joar Kvamsås.

Frauke Rohden

Frauke Rohden has a background in Applied Information Technology. As a master student and researcher at the University of Gothenburg, she studied online environments surrounding several citizen science projects. She is interested in science communication and online interactions made possible by Web 2.0 technologies and curious how STS can make use of an abundance of online data relating to digital technologies and open science.


“I am looking forward to being part of the OSIRIS team! The OSIRIS focus on problem areas and on the user side of science impact connects well with my interest for online interactions"

- Frauke Rohden


Joar Kvamsås

Joar Kvamsås obtained his Master's degree from the TIK centre in 2018, with a thesis titled "How does a firm's position in a research network affect its innovation outcome?". He has since been a research assistant in the ICT Happiness project, using big data analysis to investigate the link between social media use and well-being.


"I will be splitting my time at OSIRIS between TIK and SSB. TIK is full of people with sophisticated ideas about the complex processes by which knowledge is produced and utilised in the economic sphere. People at SSB excel at steady-handed and robust econometric analysis. The combination of these knowledge bases in OSIRIS will be an invaluable asset for my studies on research networks and their economic impact."

- Joar Kvamsås

Published Apr. 11, 2019 3:08 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 9:16 AM