Published Nov. 18, 2022 12:43 PM

Many countries with abundant natural resources experience lower economic growth than countries with little or no natural resources. In the economics literature this is referred to as the "resource curse". One reason put forward is lack of technological progress. In a recent study, we have examined a related issue, that is, whether a resource curse may occur due to the wrong type of technological progress, write Greaker, Heggedal and Rosendahl.

Published Sep. 16, 2022 10:24 AM

Frauke Rohden, Ph.D. candidate at TIK and part of the OSIRIS team, is in the final stages of her Ph.D. work. In her thesis she looks at the role of informal science-oriented online activities for the diffusion, understanding, and use of scientific knowledge. We decided to ask Frauke some questions about her project.

Published June 29, 2022 9:38 AM

From June 1-3 2022, the Osiris team attended the yearly Eu-SPRI conference. This year’s theme was “Challenging Science and Innovation Policy” and the aim was to explore future directions for studies of Policies for Research and Innovation with a special emphasis on the topics of Digitization, Open Science and Futuring.

Published June 21, 2022 11:01 AM

After more than two years of zoom meetings, the Osiris consortium finally met physically again for a two-day meeting in Valencia, Spain. The meeting was hosted by Osiris partner INGENIO and took place at their offices at Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación.