Arvid Raknerud

Research Fellow, Statistics Norway; Head of Research team SSB

Arvid Raknerud has his expertise in microeconometrics with applications to firm- and individual panel data. His main fields of applied research are economics of R&D and innovation, evaluation of R&D policies, firm productivity and entrepreneurship. He has also contributed to financial econometrics and the economics of banking. Since 2002 he has been a senior research fellow at the Research Department in Statistics Norway, where he has held the position as head of research at the Division of Microeconomic (2010).  Since 2010 he holds a part-time position as a Research Associate at the Central Bank of Norway (Norges Bank), Division of Financial Stability. He regularly attends meetings in the OECD regarding industry analysis, entrepreneurship and productivity in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries.

He has participated in two large evaluations of public polies to promote innovation and R&D in Norway: The evaluations of the tax credit scheme SkatteFUNN (2008) and of the major government instruments aimed at promoting value creation and innovation, including  Skattefunn, Innovation Norway and the Research Council of Norway (2016). He has also been the leader of a research project about entrepreneurship funded by the Research Council of Norway (2012-2016), and has been supervisor to PhD students at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo, working within the fields of innovation policies and entrepreneurship.

Tags: Impact
Published Nov. 16, 2016 2:37 PM - Last modified May 13, 2019 9:18 AM