Persons tagged with «Impact»

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Picture of Pablo d'Este d'Este, Pablo Research fellow, INGENIO Impact
Picture of Jakob Edler Edler, Jakob Professor of Innovation Policy and Strategy, Head of research team MIOIR Impact
Picture of Taran Fæhn Fæhn, Taran Head of Research, Division for Energy and Environmental Economics, SSB Impact
Picture of Jordi  Molas-Gallart Molas-Gallart , Jordi Research professor, Head of team INGENIO Impact
Picture of Ismael Rafols Rafols, Ismael Science policy analyst - Ingenio Impact
Picture of Arvid Raknerud Raknerud, Arvid Research Fellow, Statistics Norway; Head of Research team SSB Impact
Picture of Thomas von Brasch von Brasch, Thomas Researcher Impact
Woolley, Richard Research fellow, INGENIO Impact