Report: Research and Policy Making

Do bureaucrats use research results? A report from OSIRIS researcher Taran Thune presents findings from pilot survey.

From May to Mid-June 2019, the OSIRIS centre is carrying out a large scale survey of how practicioners and policy makers in the Norwegian public sector use research. This survey is based on a pilot, which was executed in spring 2018. The pilot resulted in the report «Forskning og forvaltning», which describes the preliminary findings and results.

The report from professor Taran Thune describes how the respondents mainly use informal channels to access research, such as searching the web and/or asking a colleague. Relatively few go directly to the primary sources of research (such as scientific journals), but this varies significantly between different policy areas.

Published June 13, 2019 11:50 AM - Last modified May 14, 2024 11:29 AM