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The Innovation Group

The Innovation Group at TIK is an internationally leading research group within studies of research and innovation. We address issues connected to science, technology development and innovation in broad sense, and the impact such activities have on economic and societal development.

Four main research themes

  • Science and innovation policy
  • Societal and economic effects of R&D and innovation
  • Management and organization of R&D and innovation
  • Industrial transformations and transitions

Research projects and results

The Innovation Group hosts two centers of excellence: 

The logo for the research centre OSIRIS. Big, blue letters, and two blue overlapping circles next to it.
The research centre OSIRIS
The logo for the research centre Intransit. Big, black letters and a brown and green ribbon above it.
The research centre INTRANSIT






The Innovation Group are responsible to a large portfolio of research projects funded by the European Union, the Norwegian Research Council, and private and public organizations.

Education, communication and collaboration

The Innovation Group is responsible for teaching and supervision of master students working on innovation related topics in TIK’s two master programs.

We also offer training at the Ph.D. level, in collaboration with NORSI. At any given time, the Innovation Group has about 20 Ph.D. students.

We organize seminars regularly and are active participants in the public debate.

We frequently work in interdisciplinary projects and involve industry and stakeholders in our research projects.


Big bridge seen from underneath
Photo: Stuck in Customs 
Published Sep. 15, 2010 4:24 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 1:49 PM


Portrait of a woman
Professor Taran Mari Thune, leader of the innovation group. Photo: UiO.


Detailed list of participants