Plenary session 2: Publishing in STS

Chair: Ana Delgado (TIK – Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo)

This panel invites a discussion on publishing practices in STS, with a focus on peer reviewing. The panel aims to open the black box of editorial work by exploring how different journals are approaching reviewing as a practice. How do different journals respond to changes in the publishing industry, such as the platformization of publishing and shift to open access? Is peer reviewing undergoing a crisis, and if so: what is it about?  The panel consist of three editors representing different journals in terms of size, scope and organization – aiming to showcase diversity in editorial work, reviewing and publishing practices, and how academic publishing is changing. Kristine Ask (Editor of Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies), Evelyn Ruppert (Founding and Emeritus editor-in-chief of Big Data &Society) and Antti Silvast (coordinating editor of Science & Technology Studies) will be sharing their experience as editors and leading this discussion.

Published May 31, 2023 12:50 PM - Last modified May 31, 2023 12:50 PM