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Previous disputations at TIK


Disputation: Bård Lahn

Time and place: 11. Nov. 2022 09:15, Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Master in Technology, Innovation and Knowledge (TIK) Bård Lahn defended their dissertationCarbon connections: On the work of making climate change an issue for politics and government. 

Disputation: Lars Wenaas

Time and place: 11. Nov. 2022 09:15, Auditorium 6, Eilert Sundts hus

Cand.philol. Lars Wenaas defended their dissertationOpen access: A Change in Academic Publishing with Limited Reach?

Disputation: Elisabeth Svennevik

Time and place: 29. Apr. 2022 13:15, Zoom and Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

Master in Society, Science and Technology in Europe (ESST) Elisabeth Svennevik defended their dissertationFrom Automobility to (Auto)mobility: Studies of Car-Sharing Practices in Sustainability Transitions of Mobility Systems.



Disputation: Sveinung Grimsby

Time and place: 16. Jun. 2021 10:15, Zoom

M.Sc. Horticulture Sveinung Grimsby defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Radical innovation in a conservative industry. Selected cases of new product development in the Norwegian food industry.



Disputation: Henrik Schwabe

Time and place: 18. Dec. 2020 10:30, Zoom

M.Sc. in Business and Economics Henrik Schwabe defended their dissertation for the degree of PhDEssays on ICTs, Expectations and Subjective Well-being.

Disputation: Marie Byskov Lindberg

Time and place: 10. Dec. 2020 12:15, Zoom

Master in Sociology Marie Byskov Lindberg defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Currents of Change Actors, policies and market design in an advancing energy transition.

Disputation: Nhat Strøm-Andersen

Time and place: 4. Nov. 2020 12:15, Zoom

M.Sc. in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Nhat Strøm-Andersen defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Incumbent firms in the transition toward the bioeconomy: Capabilities, strategies, and governance for by-product and waste valorization in the food processing industry.

Disputation: Bianca Cavicchi

Time and place: 21. Apr. 2020 10:30, Zoom

M.A. in Technology, Innovation and Knowledge (TIK) Bianca Cavicchi defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: The effects of Feedback Dynamics on Sustainability Transitions Policies: The case of Bioenergy.

Disputation: Artur Santoalha

Time and place: 30. Mar. 2020 10:15, Zoom

Artur Santoalha defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Technological Diversification in European Regions: Patterns and Determinants.

Disputation: Simen Enger

Time and place: 16. Jan. 2020 10:15, Zoom

M.A. in Technology, Innovation and Knowledge (TIK) Simen G. Enger defended their dissertation for the degree of PhDThe Factors Behind Participation: Evidence from the European Framework Programme, Horizon 2020.



Disputation: Hanne Kristine Hallingby

Time and place: 9. Nov. 2018 12:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

"Siviløkonom" and M.Sc. in International Marketing and Strategy Hanne Kristine Hallingby at TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Understanding Platform Emergence and Openness in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry Using Platform Ecosystem and Technological Innovation Systems Perspectives.

Disputation: Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez

Time and place: 16. Oct. 2018 10:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

M.A. in Development, Institutions, and Economic Integration Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Innovation in situations of crisis: oil and gas suppliers as innovators during the 2014-2017 industry downturn.

Disputation: Hilde Nykamp

Time and place: 29. May 2018 12:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

M.A. in Society, Science and Technology in Europe (ESST) Hilde Nykamp defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Green innovation in the Norwegian construction sector: policies, projects and industrial dynamics.

Disputation: Christine Mee Lie

Time and place: 26. Apr. 2018 12:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

M.A. of Economics Christine Mee Lie defended their dissertation: Pursuing green growth and innovation: The role of policy. Empirical evidence from South Korea.



Disputation: Erlend Andre Tveiten Hermansen

Time and place: 2. Dec. 2017 12:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

M.A. in Society, Science and Technology in Europe (ESST) Erlend Andre Tveiten Hermansen vat TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Rigor and Relevance: Navigating the Climate Science-Policy Nexus.

Disputation: Håkon Endresen Normann

Time and place: 9. Mar. 2017 12:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

M.A. in Society, Science and Technology in Europe (ESST) Håkon Endresen Normann at TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Politics in energy system transformation: Conditions for the development of an offshore wind industry in Norway.



Disputation: Mari Ratinen

Time and place: 2. Dec. 2016 10:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

Lic.econ. of Economics and Business Administration Mari Ratinen at TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture defended their dissertation for the degree of dr.philos.: Social construction of niche development toward sustainability transitions. Examples from wind energy and photovoltaics.

Disputation: Hà Thi Bích Pham

Time and place: 18. Nov. 2016 12:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

M.A. in Society, Science and Technology in Europe (ESST) and Master in Management of Science and Technology Hà Thi Bích Pham at TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Building and Transforming Dominant Technology. The Portland cement industry.

Disputation: Hilde Reinertsen

Time and place: 18. Nov. 2016 12:15, Gamle festsal, Urbygningen, Karl Johansgt. 47

M.A. in History Hilde Reinertsen at TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture defended their dissertation for the degree of PhD: Optics of Evaluation. Making Norwegian foreign aid an evaluable object, 1980-1992.



Disputation: Linda Madsen - PhD

Avian flu mobilities. Following bio(in)securities in Turkey and beyond.

Disputation: Mads Dahl Gjefsen - PhD

Vehicle or destination? Discordant perspectives in CCS advocacy.

Disputation: Siri Brorstad Borlaug - PhD

Exellence and innovation in research policy - external steering and internal responses.



Disputation: Maria Røhnebæk - PhD

Standardized Flexibility. On the Role of ICT in the Norwegian Employment and Welfare Services (NAV).

Disputation: Eivind Alf Jacobsen - PhD

Dangerous liaisons. Domestic food safety practices.



Disputation: Jens Hanson - PhD

Dynamics of innovation systems for renewable energy technology: The role of post-introduction improvements.



Disputation: Tore Li - Dr.philos

Korporativt og storskalert gjennombrudd. Amerikanske, vesttyske og norske statsmakters engasjement i naturvitenskapelig og teknologisk forskning 1940 - 1965.

Disputation: Tone Druglitrø - PhD

Å skape en standard for velferd. Forsøksdyr i norsk biomedisin, 1953-1986.



Disputation: Enrico Sorisio - PhD

Innovation, Policy and Social Surplus in the Market for Biopharmaceuticals.



Disputation: Irene Olaussen - PhD

Disability, Technology & Politics: The Entangled Experience of Being Hard of Hearing.

Disputation: Jens Plahte - PhD

Vaccine innovation for public health, or for profits - or for both? The Cuban biotech sector in a national and global context.

Disputation: Siv Frøydis Berg - PhD

Ny teknologi, gamle forestillinger. Kloning og kunstige mennesker i Shelleys Frankenstein, Goethes Faust II og Huxleys Brave New World.

Disputation: Anne Mette Bjerkan - PhD

Work, Health and Safety Culture/Climate -A study of employees in the Norwegian oil and gas industry.

Disputation: Koson Sapprasert - PhD

Exploring Innovation in Firms. Heterogeneity, technological and organisational innovation, and firm performance.

Disputation: Tor-Olav Nævestad - PhD

Culture, crises and campaigns: Examining the role of safety culture in the management of hazards in a high risk industry.

Disputation: Stefanie Jenssen - PhD

Foresight between Uncertainty and Convention. An ethnographic study of research policy foresight at the Research Council of Norway.



Disputation: Hilde Thygesen - PhD

Technology and good dementia care: A study of technology and ethics in everyday care practice.

Disputation: Olav Jacob Kringen - PhD

Culture and Control. Regulation of Risk in the Norwegian Petroleum Industry.



Disputation: Svein Erik Moen - PhD

Innovation systems as “paths”: Case studies of the Norwegian innovation system and the aluminium sectorial innovation system.

Disputation: Jarle Moss Hildrum - Dr. polit.

Distributed innovation - Perspectives on the geography of knowledge.



Disputation: Beate Karlsen - Dr. polit.

Organisatoriske valg. Endring og utvikling av nye arbeidsformer offshore.

Disputation: Jon Vatnaland - PhD

Stability and Change in the Organisation of Industry. The Chain Store Innovation and the Transformation of American Retailing in a Comparative Perspective.

Disputation: Henrik Treimo - PhD

Laks, kart og mening. Det norske laksegenomprosjektet.

Disputation: Torunn Judith Kvinge - Dr. polit.

Essays on foreign direct investments and host country effect.

Disputation: Arne Martin Fevolden - Dr. polit.

Innovation Capacity Utilization in the Information and Communication Industries.

Disputation: Tommy Høyvarde Clausen - PhD

Source and Impacts of R&D and Innovtion in the Norwegian Innovation System: Firm, Sectorial and Policy Perspectives.



Disputation: Brian Portelli - Dr. polit.

Foreign Direct Investment, Multinational Enterprises and Industrial Development. Backward Linkages and Knowledge Transfer in Tanzania.

Disputation: Marisa D'Mello - PhD

Understanding Selves and Identities of Information Technology Professionals: A Case Study from India.

Disputation: Jyotsna Sahay - PhD

Understanding Organisational Implementation of (G)IS From a Human Response Development Perspective.



Disputation: Vidar Enebakk - Dr. art.

Mellom de to kulturer. Oppkomsten av vitenskapsstudier og etableringen av Edinburgh-skolen 1966-76.

Disputation: Olav Hamran - Dr. art.

Det egentlige drikkeonde. Måtehold i etterforbudstida.

Disputation: Christine Myrvang - Dr. philos.

I forbrukets grenseland. Innganger til konsum, kultur og samfunnsanalyse 1914-1960.

Disputation: Martin Srholec - Dr. polit.

Innovation and economic development in the global economy.

Disputation: Sverre Herstad - Dr. polit.

Utenlandsk direkte eierskap. Analytisk rammeverk, tendenser og implikasjoner.



Disputation: Kristin Asdal - Dr. art.

Politikkens teknologier. Produksjoner av regjerlig natur.

Disputation: Fulvio Castellacci - Dr. polit.

Innovation and Economic Growth in Europe: Evolutionary Perspectives.



Disputation: Lars Christian Risan - Dr. art.

Hva er ei ku? 'Norsk Rødt Fe' som teknovitenskap og naturkultur.

Disputation: Ingunn Brita Moser - Dr. art.

Road Traffic Accidents: The Ordering of Subjects, Bodies and Disability.

Disputation: Beate Elvebakk - Dr. polit.

Virtual Chemistry. A Phenomenological Analysis.



Disputation: Ketil Gjølme Andersen - Dr. art.

Den teknologiske og den økonomiske fornuften. Tysk nasjonaløkonomi mellom Bildung og rasjonalisering 1909-1939.

Disputation: Brita Brenna - Dr. art.

Verden som ting og forestilling. Verdensutstillinger og den norske deltakelsen 1851-1900.



Disputation: Yngve Nilsen - Dr. art.

En felles plattform? Norsk oljeindustri og klimadebatten i Norge fram til 1998.



Disputation: Helge Ryggvik - Dr. philos.

Norsk oljevirksomhet mellom det nasjonale og det internasjonale. En studie av selskapsstruktur og internasjonalisering.



Disputation: Knut Haukelid - Dr. philos.

En historie om risiko – Antropologiske betraktninger om sikkerhet, bedriftskultur og ledelse i norsk oljevirksomhet.

Published Mar. 20, 2024 2:37 PM - Last modified June 24, 2024 3:09 PM