Transformative Innovation Policy: Transformation towards a bio-based economy and the development of smart cities

About the seminar

Lea Fuenfschilling presents the research project STIPP and discusses how it relates to sustainability transition research. This work initially focuses on two transition areas that are currently of high strategic importance in Sweden, in Norway and internationally: the transformation towards a bio-based economy and the development of smart cities. The overall aim of The Swedish Transformative Innovation Policy Platform (STIPP) is to advance our understanding of the dynamics and governance of challenge-driven transformation processes, and to develop a more comprehensive framework for transformative innovation policy.

In this presentation Lea Fuenfschilling links this project to recent discussions and development of the sustainably transition field. With this, she presents some of the main objectives of the platform:

• to develop a more substantiated analytical framework for transformative innovation policy
• to advance knowledge on the particularities of systemic, socio-technical innovation and change processes
• to investigate the nature and effect of current policies targeting system innovation and to identify successful practices, limitations and challenges of the current set-up, particularly in the area of the bio-economy and smart cities

STIPP is funded by Vinnova and will initially run 2018-2022

About the speaker

Lea Fuenfschilling is a postdoctoral researcher at CIRCLE, Lund University as well as a lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Lucerne. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Basel. Her dissertation is entitled „A dynamic model of socio-technical change. Institutions, actors and technology in interaction” and was published in 2014.

Her current research interests are centered on system innovations for grand societal challenges. Special attention is devoted to the interrelatedness and co-evolution of institutions, actors and technology in socio-technical system. In her research, she particularly focuses on processes of institutionalization of new, potentially more sustainable socio-technical configurations (e.g. through experimentation)

Read more about Lea Fünfschilling here.


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Published Nov. 13, 2018 1:06 PM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2018 1:06 PM