
Time and place: , TIK's teaching room, 529 Eilert Sundt's hus
Time and place: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building

PhD Fellow Frauke Rohden visits the TIK Methods Lab to present her ongoing work on the topic of digital ethnography and digital methods.

Time and place: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building

Hélène Mialet from the York University in Canada visits TIK Methods Lab with her talk Translating the body and the self through dogs and machines. The seminar is open to all.

Time and place: , Room 551, 5th floor, Eilert SUndt Building, Blindern

Sandro Montresor visits TIK to discuss a recent paper on the extent to which MNEs contribute to the regional specialisation in green technologies.

Time and place: , Rom 648, Eilerty Sundt Building, Blindern

Dr Magdalena Stawkowski visits the TIK centre and the Toxicity Reading Group to give a talk on the recent repurposing of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site in Kazakhstan.

Time and place: , 551

TIK welcomes all our friends to a seminar on Technological Diversification and Regional Resilience by Ron Boschma.