Sustainable transition. The challenges of rapid transformative change

Seminar in honour of Professor Olav Wicken.


Approximately a decade ago, TIK launched its first research project in the emerging field of sustainable transition. Today this field is well established internationally, and TIK has a substantial group of researchers contributing to understanding changes toward sustainable production and consumption, i.e. how we can avoid the serious consequences of global heating. 

We get regular reports on the urgency for more rapid reductions in climate emissions. However, we know from history that periods of transitions have been long-term, and that this is due to social, economic, and political – as well as technological - issues. May this be different for the ongoing transition? 

Professor Olav Wicken has in these years been a central person to develop and foster this research at TIK.  At the seminar we ask researchers that have contributed to this research at TIK to present perspectives and findings on ongoing change processes towards sustainability; and challenge them to reflect on and discuss conditions for a more rapid transformation.


Chair: Magnus Gulbrandsen    

14.00 Welcome and introduction, Fulvio Castellacci and Olav Wicken
14.10 Session 1: Transforming energy systems
  Speed(bumps) in renewable energy transition, Jens Hanson
Socio-technical tensions in rapid electrification on the road to net-zero by midcentury, Allan Dahl Andersen
Transitions in established industries: An institutional perspective on greening of Norwegian oil and gas, Taran Thune
Phasing out profitable industries, Håkon Endresen Normann
14.45 Panel discussion with speakers
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 Session 2: System Change for Sustainable Transition
  Car sharing for sustainable transportation, Elisabeth Svennevik
Sustainable food production, Nhat Strøm-Andersen
Potentials for a twin transition in waste management, Markus Bugge
16.30 Panel discussion with speakers
17.00 Food and greetings


Published Mar. 31, 2022 12:19 PM - Last modified Oct. 24, 2022 9:24 AM