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The Norwegian oil and gas supply industry in hard times: Innovation in global supply

A new project strive to understand how the dynamics of the oil industry global supply chain can contribute to Norway's ability to maintain its position as a leading exporter of offshore technology and to facilitate the optimal use of Norway's own petroleum resources

Oil platform.
 In what way does the participation in challenging projects abroad affect the industry's capabilities on the Norwegian continental shelf? Photo:

The project GLOBOIL studies how Norwegian upstream oil and gas suppliers are adapting their production strategy, supply chains and innovative capabilities to the demands of recent development in global manufacturing. Understanding the dynamics of the oil industry's global supply chain will critically contribute to Norway's abilities to facilitate the optimal use of its own resources, as well as maintain its position as a large exporter of offshore technology.

The Norwegian oil sector needs to learn concepts, technologies and practices developed elsewhere.

Even though the Norwegian model has been a successful case of the creation of an entire industry of capable offshore suppliers, there is a lack of systematic studies about how the internationalization of the industry is affecting the foundations of this model. Therefore, this project proposes to use extensive case studies and a survey to answer the following questions: How have Norwegian suppliers evolved their strategy and are governing their relationship with suppliers to continue moving up the global value chain? In what way does the participation in challenging projects abroad affect the industry's capabilities on the Norwegian continental shelf? Are there barriers in form of path dependency, echnological standards or other forms of socio-economic structures that prevent or promote certain kinds of technologies? Is the Norwegian institutional setting that previously nurtured the industry still effective?


The project will focus on Brazil and the United States. Brazil, because it is considered a technologically challenging offshore region,where the potential for growth is large; USA, because most of the supplier industry Giants have their headquarters here. The projects consist of partners from Norway, Brazil and the USA.

By Hilde Holsten
Published Apr. 6, 2018 8:26 AM - Last modified Mar. 20, 2024 3:38 PM