«Doing well by doing good». A new motto for the economy?

We will be discussing valuation and critique in the 'Good Economy' at the EGOS conference

Together with Jean-Pascal Gond (City, University of London), Liliana Doganova and Kristin Asdal will organize an open panel at the 38th EGOS Colloquium, which this year has the main theme: «The Beauty of Imperfection».

Under the heading «Valuation and Critique in the 'Good Economy'», the sub-theme will investigate contemporary attempts at perfecting economic practices by bringing together the pursuit of profit with the pursuit of other forms of “goods”. The term “the good economy” is used to refer to a wide array of initiatives, discourses and models that aim at entangling the production of economic and social value(s) (Asdal et al., 2021; Doganova, 2015; Nicholls, 2009), and envisage markets as the relevant locus for addressing collective concerns and solving public problems (Frankel et al., 2019; Gond & Brès, 2020; Neyland et al., 2019). Under the motto of “doing well while doing good”, a striking variety of organizational and instrumental innovations has proliferated in the last decades: from corporate social responsibility to social entrepreneurship, impact investing and purpose-driven organizations; from shared value to environmental accounting and the triple bottom line; from clean-tech, environmental markets and conservation finance, to the bioeconomy and natural capital. Has our economy become a “good economy”? How do such shifts to “doing good” eventually happen, or how are they sought being realized? By which devices, valuation registers and competences do what is taken to be “goods” and “bads” change? And, how to relate to, critically discuss, and analyse these issues?

Read more about the panel and find the literature here.

Read Asdal et al.´s (2021) paper on 'the good economy' here.

Published Jan. 25, 2022 11:12 AM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2023 11:33 AM