Value threads at EASST 2022

The Value threads team is organizing two open panels at the 2022 EASST conference in Madrid


Kamilla Karhunmaa, University of Helsinki; Kristin Asdal, University of Oslo; Trine Pallesen, Copenhagen Business School

Environmental problems are often described through the notion of a market failure, or the inability of markets to account for the costs associated with the production of goods and services. The notion of market failure calls for internalizing externalities, thus focusing environmental economics on the calculation and minimization of harm and cost through the design of market interventions. A classic example is thinking of climate change as “the greatest example of market failure” (Stern, 2006) which requires valuing and accounting for the damages and costs caused by climate change.

The intersection of market failures and environmental concerns has attracted attention in STS. Work succeeding Callon’s (1998) essay on externalities has studied how economists, accountants and other actors interact in attempts to deal with market externalities through instruments like emissions trading (e.g. MacKenzie 2009). More recent work has focused on “market design” or the new types of applied engineering and economics that claims to know how to make markets respond to all sort of collective concerns (Frankel, Ossandón, Pallesen 2019). Less attention has been placed on how environmental markets perform, refract and invest in notions of the good (Asdal et al., 2021, Geiger, 2021). With the good, we refer here to a range of normative stances from the notion of individual benefit to the public good and beyond to the idea of a good economy and society.

In this panel, we are interested in papers that focus on how notions of the good are performed in and through environmental markets as well as in the production of environmental goods and services. What societal visions or sociotechnical imaginaries of the good are incorporated into and exhibited by environmental markets and their governance (and consequently which ones are excluded)? How do governments, civil society organizations and scientists aim to shape or refute environmental markets and with what notions and justifications related to the (private or public) good? How does science feature in demarcating what is thought of as a good environmental market or product? We aim to make visible how actors interacting with environmental markets are constantly reformulating notions of both the private and the public good and in doing so, are speaking for other human and more-than-human needs and desires.


Liliana Doganova, Mines ParisTech; Nassima Abdelghafour, Mines ParisTech; Evan Fisher, University of Toulouse 2 – Jean Jaurès; Brice Laurent, Mines ParisTech

This panel aims to bring together STS perspectives on forests. Forests have recently become the object of renewed concerns, as wildfires and deforestation alarms have positioned them as the sentinels of the damages of climate change and environmental degradation, while their capacity to act as carbon sinks has revealed them as a potential venue for fighting climate change by reducing global CO2 emissions. The panel proposes to relate these recent developments to longstanding analyses of forests as the locus of future-making. In line with the conference theme, we invite contributions that examine the multiple temporalities of forests and the processes by which the past, the present and the future are drawn together and acted upon. More broadly, we aspire to position forests as an object for STS: an object that fruitfully lends itself to the categories and methods of STS, and an object that STS should think with if it ambitions to dissect the politics of techno-scientific (and other) futures.


Read more about the panels and find the literature by following the links or check out the EASST 2022 website.

Deadline for abstracts: 7 February 2022

Published Jan. 25, 2022 10:57 AM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2022 10:56 AM