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BREAD - Building Responsibility and Developing Innovative Strategies for Tackling Food Waste (completed)

Avoiding food waste is at the heart of food sector’s societal responsibility. While the goal of reducing and avoiding the wasting of food is broadly accepted, the questions how best to do it require reflection.

Image: Colourbox.

BREAD seeks to gather the necessary knowledge about effective and efficient solutions that the Norwegian food sector can implement, adopting a broad governance perspective to the grand societal challenge of food waste. For this, we propose to work across scales and look at responsible innovation on the level of policies (providing the context in which RRI occurs), at the level of companies, and finally, at the business/consumer interface.

The total amount of food waste in Norway for the entire value chain was 68.7 kg per inhabitant in 2015, worth 20 billion NOK and equalling 978 000 tonnes of CO2e. What can be done to accelerate the industry’s and national actions targeting food waste?

BREAD is interested in diagnosing the obstacles for responsible innovation in the food sector and identifying innovation potential that can be unlocked. Our study will be conducted at 3 levels: of policies, firms and on the meeting point of individual consumers and food industry actors. This is reflected in the organization of the project, with 3 Work Packages covering these levels and the fourth aimed at a learning process at Integration. They ask 4 questions:

  1. How can European regulatory experiences enhance responsible innovation in Norway’s food sector?
  2. How can best CSR practices & RRI experiences be scaled-up?
  3. How can consumer perceptions of (co)responsibility in the food sector inform companies responsible innovation?
  4. How to integrate all RRI dimensions to unlock multidirectional learning and food waste reduction innovation?


BREAD is financed by the Research Council of Norway's SAMANSVAR programme.


BREAD is coordinated by TIK Centre for technology, innovation and culture, and led by Julia Szulecka. There are three partner institutions:

  • REMARC, University of Pisa
  • Østfoldforskning
  • Matvett AS

BREAD – Building REsponsibility And Developing Innovative Strategies for Tackling Food Waste


  • Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Corceolani, Matteo; Szulecka, Julia & Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2023). Widening the scope of responsible innovation: food waste and the role of consumers. Journal of Responsible Innovation. ISSN 2329-9460. 10(1). doi: 10.1080/23299460.2023.2243080.
  • Szulecka, Julia; Strøm-Andersen, Nhat & Capodistrias, Paula (2022). Food (in)security in a Nordic Welfare State: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Activities of Oslo’s Food Bank. . In Calabro, Francesco; Spina, Lucia Della & Mantinan, Maria Jose Pineira (Ed.), New Metropolitan Perspectives. Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, between Metropolitan and Return to Villages Perspectives. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-031-06824-9. p. 1448–1461. doi: https:/
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2022). Digital technologies and food waste reduction and prevention: benefits and challenges. In Bruce, Donald & Bruce, Ann (Ed.), Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility. Wageningen Academic Publishers. ISSN 978-90-8686-387-7. p. 475–480. doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-939-8_74.
  • Szulecka, Julia & Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2021). Norway's Food Waste Reduction Governance: From Industry Self-Regulation to Governmental Regulation? Scandinavian Political Studies. ISSN 0080-6757. p. 1–24. doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12219. Full text in Research Archive
  • Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Strøm-Andersen, Nhat; Bugge, Markus Michaelsen; Brekke, Andreas & Prestrud, Kjersti (2021). RRI and Value Chain Collaboration for Innovations Reducing Food Waste. In Bitran, Iain; Conn, Steffen; Huizingh, K.R.E. & Torkkeli, Marko (Ed.), Proceedings on the 2021 ISPIM innovation conference : Innovating our common future. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. ISSN 9789523354678. Full text in Research Archive
  • Capodistrias, Paula; Szulecka, Julia; Corciolani, Matteo & Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2021). European food banks and COVID-19: Resilience and innovation in times of crisis. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. ISSN 0038-0121. doi: 10.1016/j.seps.2021.101187. Full text in Research Archive
  • Szulecka, Julia; Strøm-Andersen, Nhat; Scordato, Lisa & Skrivervik, Eili (2019). Multi-level governance of food waste: Comparing Norway, Denmark and Sweden. In Klitkou, Antje; Fevolden, Arne Martin & Capasso, Marco (Ed.), From Waste to Value: Valorisation Pathways for Organic Waste Streams in Circular Bioeconomies. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-429-46028-9. p. 253–271. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2022). Digital technologies and food waste reduction and prevention: benefits and challenges.
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2022). The challenges in adopting digital technologies and the case of food waste.
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2022). Food systems transformation and digital innovations: the case of food waste.
  • Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Strøm-Andersen, Nhat; Bugge, Markus Michaelsen; Brekke, Andreas & Prestrud, Kjersti (2022). When urgent challenges demand the time to collaborate: RRI and Value Chain Collaboration for Innovations Reducing Food Waste.
  • Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Strøm-Andersen, Nhat; Bugge, Markus Michaelsen; Brekke, Andreas & Prestrud, Kjersti (2021). RRI and Value Chain Collaboration for Innovations Reducing Food Waste.
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2021). BREAD project as a case study of the challenges of RRI evaluation.
  • Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Strøm-Andersen, Nhat; Bugge, Markus Michaelsen; Brekke, Andreas & Prestrud, Kjersti (2021). RRI and Value Chain Collaboration for Innovations Reducing Food Waste.
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2021). BREAD project and its current activities.
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2021). Oppsummering av intervjuer i BREAD -prosjektet.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2021). European food banks and COVID-19.
  • Bugge, Markus Michaelsen (2021). Verdenskafé om matsvinn.
  • Forsberg, Ellen-Marie (2021). Verdenskafé om matsvinn.
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat; Szulecka, Julia & Bugge, Markus Michaelsen (2021). A systemic negligence? The transition toward food sustainability and the case of food waste.
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2021). A systemic negligence? The transition toward food sustainability and the case of food waste.
  • Alm, Siril (2021). Sustainable eaters in Tromsø .
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). Status of the BREAD project after the first year.
  • Strøm-Andersen, Nhat (2020). BREAD - prosjekt, fremtidige forskningsideer.
  • Szulecka, Julia; Scordato, Lisa & Koch, Per M. (2020). Developing Future Scenarios for Food Waste.
  • Scordato, Lisa; Koch, Per M. & Szulecka, Julia (2020). Futures Literacy Lab on Food Waste. Summary Report.
  • Bjørnnes, Oda (2020). How to use the future to innovate the present: a look into the future(s) of food waste. Teknovatøren. p. 24–25.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). Will the European Green Deal push for more food waste reductions? AFINO Blog.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). Food waste in the COVID-19 era: Can the state coerce consumer responsibility? AFINO Blog.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). BREAD – Building REsponsibility And Developing Innovative Strategies for Tackling Food Waste.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). Ongoing research in BREAD: Working with the Norwegian food sector.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). BREAD nettside.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). BREAD project website.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). Ongoing research and progress in BREAD.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2020). TIK4040 Project presentations.
  • Szulecka, Julia (2019). Tackling Food Waste .
  • Szulecka, Julia (2019). Building REsponsibility And Developing Innovative Strategies for Tackling Food Waste.

View all works in Cristin

Published Dec. 17, 2019 10:11 AM - Last modified Mar. 26, 2024 9:35 AM