GlobOil kick-off in Chicago

On September 24-25th 2018, the GlobOil kick-off meeting was held at the University of Chicago.

The GlobOil team from the left: Yuri Kasahara, Antionio Botelho, Helge Ryggvik (project leader), Gary Herrigel, Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez amd Olav Wicken. Behind the camera: Tèrcio Pinho Filho.

The GlobOil consortium gathered at the University of Chicago to mark the official start-up of the project, exchange ideas and experiences, and make a plan for how the project work will be conducted over the next 4 years.

GlobOil studies how Norwegian upstream oil and gas suppliers are adapting their production strategy, supply chains and innovative capabilities to the demands of recent development in global manufacturing. It is coordinated by the TIK Centre at the University of Oslo (Norway), and the rest of the consortium is made up by NIBR at OsloMet (Norway), University of Chicago (USA), and Universidade Candido Mendes (Brazil). Read more about the project here.

Gary Herrigel hosted the kick-off meeting at the campus of the University of Chicago, which is among the highest ranked universities in the world. In addition to a very productive meeting, the team enjoyed a tour of the campus and of downtown Chicago.

 Sightseeing downtown Chicago and on the University of Chicago campus. To the right: Admiring the Economics Nobel prize winners. In addition to an interesting and useful meeting, the kick-off was also an opportunity for networking and experiencing the US academic life. Photos: J.S.Gonzalez.

Workshop programme

Chair: Professor Olav Wicken 

Day 1

  • Introduction and meeting plan, by Helge Ryggvik and Olav Wicken
  • Status in the industry and the three markets in the study, by Helge Ryggvik - with some addition from Antonio Botelho and Tercio Pinho Filho on the Brazil market.
  • Market structure, innovation, upgrading, continuous improvement and governance in oil and other relevant sectors, by Gary Herrigel.
  • What we really say in the application and ways to conduct the work, by Olav Wicken
  • Status from the survey in former SICAC/NIBR-project, by Yuri Kasahara and Antonio Botelho
  • How to transfer data and knowledge from the Sivac-project at TIK. An idea for a study of the seismic-sub sector, an interesting relevant case?, by Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez
  • The paper Upgrading Innovation in O&G Manufacturing Supply chain Firms in Brazil, and some ideas how to ”upgrade” the study fit in to Globoil’s need. By Antonio Botelho and Tercio Pinho Filho.

Day 2

  • The budget, by Helge Ryggvik.
  • The rest of day 2: A schedule is presented based on experiences from day 1, and the team works on planning the project period.

List of participants

  • Helge Ryggvik, TIK
  • Olav Wicken, TIK
  • Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez, TIK
  • Tercio Pinho Filho, TIK
  • Yuri Kasahara, NIBR OsloMet
  • Gary Herrigel, University of Chicago
  • Antonio Botelho, Universidade Candido Mendes
Published Oct. 19, 2018 1:48 PM - Last modified Oct. 23, 2018 1:49 PM