The Effects of ICT's on Well-being

On Monday the 30th and Tuesday the 31th of May a project workshop related to the Happy-ICT-project will the place at NUPI. This will be the first workshop under the auspices of the the ICT and happiness-project.


Monday 30th May

9:30-10:00 – Introduction: Project team and participants

10:00-11:30 – Project’s overview and theoretical framework

  • ICT and well-being: Towards a theoretical framework (Fulvio Castellacci & Vegard Tveito)
  • The economic effects of ICTs: a survey (Per Botolf Maurseth)

11:30-13:00 – Lunch

13:00-14:00 – Project’s data and empirical methods

14:00-15:30 – Income-related effects of ICTs

  •  ICTs and well-being in China and India: a new survey data collection (Dibyendu Maiti)
  •  ICTs and the death of distance (Arne Melchior)
  •  ICT use and well-being in European regions (Fulvio Castellacci & Artur Santoalha)

18:30 – Dinner


Tuesday 31st May

9:00-10:15 – ICTs, quality of work and job satisfaction

  •  Work life satisfaction and innovation activities: a study of the Norwegian MNE Telenor (Fulvio Castelllacci, Leva Martinekaite & Vegard Tveito)
  •  Work life satisfaction for knowledge-based workers: an occupation-based approach (Clara Viñas-Bardolet)

10:30-11:45 - ICTs, external environment and quality of life

  •  Green innovations, ICTs and well-being (Ed Steinmuller & Adrian Smith)
  •  Police corruption, crime and perceived well-being in poor countries: Will ICT innovations make any difference? (Jens C. Andvig)

11:45-12:00 – Status of project and next steps

12:00-13:00 – Lunch


Registration for external participants:

Fulvio Castellacci



Published May 23, 2016 2:10 PM - Last modified June 14, 2024 11:19 AM