

Time and place: , Tøyen Hovedgård, Oslo Botanical Garden

The ERC Little Tools team is organising a workshop to explore relations across economics, economy and the bioeconomy. The event will start with an open programme from 09.00 to 15.00 on October 14.

Time and place: , PAM 425, P.A Munchs hus

Kristin Asdal talks on whales in parliament and the whaling controversy in the late 19th century at Oslo School of Environmental Humanties.

Time and place: , Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and Aud 2, Georg Sverdups Hus, University of Oslo

The InSync Project at Oslo's Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) holds its concluding colloquium on May 27-29. Professor Kristin Asdal will give a keynote on May 28.

Time and place: , Vilhelm Bjernes' hus, auditorium 1

UiO:Life Science and the convergence environment COMPARE organise a workshop on immunology, including perspectives from the social sciences with a focus on Responsible Research and Innovation. 

Time and place: , SALT Arena, Langkaia 1, 0150 Oslo

Little Tools postdoc Hilde Reinertsen will take part in the launch of a special themed issue of Arr - idéhistorisk tidsskrift on the ocean.

Time and place: , KULT Lunchroom, NTNU Dragvoll, Trondheim

Kristin Asdal participates in a Methods Workshop on Document Analysis held at KULT, at NTNU in Trondheim. She will give an introduction to document analysis.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 3

The Science Studies Colloquium Series Forum organises a panel discussion about Responsible Research in the Life Science. Kristin Asdal, Susanne Bauer and Silje Morsman from TIK participate.

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

Kristin Asdal is one of the speakers at Arctic Day 2018.

Time and place: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building, Blindern Campus

UCLA Professor Hannah Landecker is visiting TIK. She will give a seminar at TIK before participating in an event at Litteraturhuset the following day.

Time and place: , Blindern Campus, Eilert Sundt Building, room 551

Bård Hobæk gives his Midway doctoral seminar on the topic of "Fish feed and efficient food". 

Time and place: , Centre for Advanced Studies, Oslo

Kristin Asdal gives a lecture on "The little tools of timing: Co-modifying nature-times with political time" at the Oslo Center for Advanced Studies of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. 

Time and place: , Vitenskapsteorisk Forum, NTNU, Trondheim

Kristin Asdal was invited to give a lecture at the Vitenskapsteoretisk Forum of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at NTNU in Trondheim.

Time and place: , Fevik Strand Hotell

Kristin Asdal took part in a workshop on Actor-network theory as a tool and resource for environmental history

Time and place: , Centre for Technology and Society, NTNU, Trondheim

In September Kristin Asdal gave a keynote titled “STS, the Good, and its trouble” at the workshop “Promises, Possibilities and Practices: Celebrating STS in Action”. The workshop marked the 30th anniversary of The Centre for Technology and Society at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Time and place: , University of Agder, Kristiansand

Kristin Asdal and Hilde Reinertsen gave the presentation "Humanities ashore. Political documents as a means to approach environmental humanities through the history of knowledge" at a conference on the humanities and the challenges of society (Humaniorakonferansen - Humaniora og samfunnets utfordringer), held at The University of Agder. The presentation was a part of a track on the humanities and the environment.

Time and place: , Hamarøy, Norway

In June 2018 the Little Tools project hosted a workshop at Hamarøy, Nordland. The workshop was organized by Professor Kristin Asdal and Post Doc Tone Huse, as part of their study ‘The Economic Life of Cod’.

Time and place: , VID, Diakonveien 14, Oslo

Kristin Asdal will participate in a panel discussion as a part of a the seminar "Social Innovation and welfare – rethinking the role of university" at VID vitenskaplige høgskole (VID Specialized University) in Oslo. The panel will be discussing the question "What makes a meaningful cooperation between academia and practice?". 

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, room 219, University of Oslo

The lecture is a part of a seminar for PhD students on new theory and method in the history of ideas.

Time and place: , Chateau Neuf - The Norwegian Students' Society

Kristin Asdal will participate in a panel discussion on climate and environmental history and the role of historians in this field.

Time and place: , OsloMet, Oslo

Hilde Reinertsen will give a lecture at OsloMet with the title "Evaluation of politics as expertise" ("Evaluering av politikk som ekspertise"). The lecture is a part of the ph.d. course "Expertice in public politics" (Ekspertise i offentlig politikk).

Time and place: , Politihøgskolen, Oslo

Hilde Reinertsen will give a lecture on document analysis to students at The Norwegian Police University College. The lecture is a part of a master's course on qualitative methods.

Time and place: , Kulturhuset

Hilde Reinertsen participates in panel discussion on the measurement of international aid, held by Agenda.

Time and place: , Kystens hus, Tromsø

The Little Tools project hosted a workshop in Tromsø in April. The workshop was organized by Professor Kristin Asdal and Post Doc Tone Huse, as part of their study ‘The Economic Life of Cod’.

Time and place: , Copenhagen, Denmark

Kristin Asdal will be giving the keynote presentation at a workshop on STS and Democracy in Copenhagen.

Time and place: , St. Petersburg, Russia

Kristin Asdal gives the opening talk at the first workshop of the Norwegian-Russian network, held at the Norwegian University Centre St. Petersburg.