Kristin Asdal participates in a panel on cooperation between academia and practice

Kristin Asdal will participate in a panel discussion as a part of a the seminar "Social Innovation and welfare – rethinking the role of university" at VID vitenskaplige høgskole (VID Specialized University) in Oslo. The panel will be discussing the question "What makes a meaningful cooperation between academia and practice?". 

About the seminar
"This seminar is going to explore questions of meaningful cooperation between practitioners, users of social services, members of non-governmental organizations, and academics. By inviting representatives of academia and diverse public and non-public organisations and welfare institutions, we hope to open a space for a critical reflection on the current forms of cooperation and constructive contributions to co-production and prospects for the future."

Other participants in the panel:
- Eva Sørensen, Institute of Society, and Globalization, Roskilde University, Denmark
- Nina Martinussen, Diakonhjemmet Hospital
- Synne Lerhol, The Norwegian association representing organizations for children and young people with disabilities or chronic disease ("Unge funksjonshemmede").

Published June 20, 2018 3:26 PM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2024 3:25 PM