Valuography as a new way to (re-)visit the lab as well as the restaurant?

As the first invited speaker in the Little Tools seminar series, professor Claes-Fredrik Helgesson will introduce valuography, a programme of empirically oriented research into the enacting, ordering, and displacing of values.

Claes-Fredrik Helgesson.

Understanding values

Following a pragmatist understanding of values and valuations from John Dewey and Fabian Muniesa and others, a valuographic research programme is inclined to examine how and with what means some aspects come to count as important values, some comes to be considered as opposing one another, and still others come to be discounted.

Valuographic research programme

The talk further elaborates what a valuographic research programme might entail and gives examples from two ongoing research projects: one about the valuations in clinical trial design for drug development and another about the splitting of restaurant bills.

About the speaker

Claes-Fredrik Helgesson is professor at Linköping University. He holds a PhD from Stockholm School of Economics and has a prolonged research interest in medicine and public health. He currently heads the new research program ValueS (Science, Technology & Valuation Practices) and is a co-editor of the journal Valuation Studies. He recently co-edited the volume Value Practices in the Life sciences & Medicine

The seminar is co-hosted by the TIK Center's ongoing seminar series.

Published Jan. 13, 2016 4:18 PM - Last modified July 29, 2022 11:34 AM