Little Tools workshop: The sites of documents

Documents are everywhere. Yet despite their persistent presence, they are often disregarded as irrelevant, dusty, and dull. This workshop takes a fundamentally different approach by considering documents as lively research objects in their own right.

The sites of documents

What are the specific sites of documents? By what practices are they produced? What kind of work do they enable? How do they act upon and even potentially transform the contexts into which they intervene? And with what methods may we best explore these questions? In pursuing a dual interest in texts and practices, this workshop brings together the research traditions of History, Anthropology, and Science and Technology Studies (STS) in new ways.


Matthew Hull, professor, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Michigan, USA

Kristin Asdal, professor, TIK, UiO

Bård Hobæk, Ph.D. candidate, TIK, UiO

Hilde Reinertsen, PhD, university lecturer, TIK, UiO

Linda Madsen, postdoc, University of Freiburg, Germany

Sylvia Lysgård, Ph.D candidate, TIK

Bård Lahn, MA candidate, TIK

Marte Mangset, postdoc, Oslo and Akershus University College

Published Apr. 28, 2016 6:44 PM