Review of ' Humans, Animals and Biopolitics'

The edited volume 'Humans, Animals and Biopolitics: The More-than-Human Condition' has been reviewed favourably in the journal cultural geographies.

The volume is edited by Kristin Asdal, PI on the 'Little Tools' Project; Tone Druglitrø, postdoctoral fellow at TIK; and Steve Hinchliffe, professor in Human Geography at the University of Exeter.

The book brings together historically-oriented approaches and contemporary ethnographies which engage with science and technology studies (STS), and reflects the multi-sited, multi-species, multi-logic and multiple ways in which lives are and have been assembled, disassembled, practised and possibly policed and politicized. The book review by Timothy Hodgetts can be found online in cultural geographies

"The editors suggest that the aim of the edited collection is to facilitate a generative encounter between different readings of biopolitics in different contextual situations. They succeed."


Published Feb. 8, 2017 1:30 PM