Norwegian version of this page

The value of social science

The Norwegian Research Council has a limited understanding of the role of research in society, writes Kristin Asdal in the Norwegian business newspaper Dagens Næringsliv.

Kristin Asdal. Private photo.

Social scientists in Norway are asked to write 'impact stories' about how their research is translated into societal change. In Dagens Næringsliv, Kristin Asdal asks whether this is a useful way to measure the value of social science, and which ideals such a valuation method rests upon.

The op-ed was published in Dagens Næringsliv on february 9th, 2017. The piece (in Norwegian) is available at Dagens Næringsliv or as PDF here.

Published Mar. 2, 2017 12:09 PM - Last modified Mar. 2, 2017 12:09 PM