Marte Mangset and Kristin Asdal win prize for best article

The article "Bureaucratic power in note-writing: authoritative expertise within the state" was awarded a prize from Sosiologen.

At its Winter seminar on 9 February Sosiologen awarded several prizes for best articles and dissemination. Marte Mangset and Kristin Asdal are honoured to have received the prize for the best english-language article 2018 for their article "Bureaucratic power in note-writing: authoritative expertise within the state", published in the British Journal of Sociology last year. 

The jury considered that "Mangset and Asdal's analysis provides as genuinely new understanding of the sources of power and authority among bureaucrats and in bureaucracies." The article, the jury adds, "demonstrates the power of a delicate mix of theory, comparative research - and, not the least, sociological imagination." 

The article can be consulted and downloaded here:

Published Feb. 21, 2019 6:48 PM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2024 3:36 PM