The value of the ocean

On September 11, Hilde Reinertsen participated in panel on the value of the ocean at the National Theater in Oslo.

Little Tools postdoc Hilde Reinertsen participated as a panelist at the public event Verdien av havet (The value of the ocean). The event was organized by UiO:Life Science, and was held in the morning of Wednesday Sept. 11 in the foyer of the National Theater in Oslo.

The event focused on the role the ocean playes in our lives, and for Norway as a nation. Some central questions were: In what ways do we shape the ocean, and the ocean shape us? How do we take care of the ocean, and how can we manage it in the future? Why is the ocean so often linked to longing?

The panel:

  • Ole Anders Tandberg, director of the play Havboka at the National Theater, based on Morten Strøksnes' book with the same title (in english: Shark drunk)
  • Hilde Reinertsen, postdoc at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, UiO
  • Ketil Hylland, professor at the Department of Biosciences, UiO
  • Kaja Fjærtoft, marine biologist at Passion for Ocean
  • Linn Stalsberg, author and journalist (moderator)
Published Sep. 27, 2019 2:31 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2019 2:38 PM