New additions to the Little Tools team

TIK's ERC Starting Grant project welcomes two new research assistants, Minja Mitrovic and Jonas Engestøl Wettre, to the group. 

The team is excited to welcome Minja and Jonas onboard as research assistants in the project. Both have recently completed their master's degrees and bring experiences and perspectives of great value to the project. We are happy to have them with us, working on various aspects of the Little Tools project in its busy final months. 


Minja Mitrovic. Photo: Private.
Minja Mitrovic. Photo: Private.

Minja Mitrovic has a master's degree in history which she obtained at IAKH, UiO in 2020. For her MA thesis, she wrote about the transition to plastic and synthetic materials in Norwegian design, notably textile and furniture, focusing on discursive changes within the Norwegian Design Centre (NDC). Minja is currently working as a research assistant in two ERC projects: Creative IPR at IAKH, which investigates the history of intellectual property, and Little Tools at TIK. For the latter, she mainly assists PI Kristin Asdal and Hilde Reinertsen with the upcoming English edition of the book Doing Document Analysis. A Practice Oriented Method.


Jonas Engestøl Wettre. Photo: UiO.

Jonas Engestøl Wettre submitted his master's thesis at the TIK Centre in October 2020. His thesis was about the formation and utilisation of new smartphone technologies in the fight against COVID-19, with a particular focus on the Norwegian smartphone app 'Smittestopp'. Jonas is also involved in the SMARTCOVID project at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), which studies social, political and ethical implications of the rapid introduction of such smartphone technologies. In Little Tools, Jonas is currently investigating how Norwegian newspaper Dagens Næringsliv has employed and interpreted the concept of 'value creation' historically. 


Published Dec. 1, 2020 9:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 1, 2020 9:40 PM