Effects of “Paperwork management” and Integrated Operations on managerial practice and HSE offshore: a comparative study (completed)

Two important factors are affecting the workday of managers on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The first is today’s extensive reporting and system requirements, forcing managers away from operational work. The second is a process towards Integrated Operations (IO), a radically new way of thinking and organizing operations across organizational and physical boundaries.

About the project

The purpose is to study effects of “Paperwork management” and Integrated Operations on managerial practice and health, safety and environment (HSE) offshore. The project is a comparative study of Norway and the Gulf of Mexico that aims at improving HSE.


The project is financed by Statoil and the Norwegian Research Council.




Published Sep. 21, 2010 2:32 PM - Last modified Oct. 6, 2016 2:53 PM


  • Knut Haukelid University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants