Energy Seminar: New policy practices for a challenge-led, broad-based model of transformative innovation

What are the prospects for transformative innovation in Europe?

Ilustration: Colourbox

The European innovation policy turn

On January 16th, professor Fred Steward (Policy Studies Institute, University of Westminster) visits TIK to give a talk on the implications of the turn in European innovation policy towards societal challenges such as climate change. More specifically, Professor Stewart will link this discussion to the Climate-KIC Transition Cities Project.

Room for systemic innovation?

This new challenge-led approach reframes the policy agenda compared to the traditional technology-driven model. It is more attuned to systemic rather than singular innovation, and offers a broader definition of innovation which highlights social, organizational and business novelty. It is argued that this offers a richer and more realistic perspective for the radical pervasive change needed for the transition to a low carbon society.

Transition cities

In this seminar, prospects for transformative innovation are addressed through a focus on the place-based socio-technical networks of mobility, buildings and energy. These are discussed in relation to the Climate-KIC Transition Cities Project involving Frankfurt, Birmingham, Bologna-Modena, Valencia-Castellon, Budapest and Wrocla.


Register for the seminar by e-mail to Ragnhild Bjelland-Hanley.


Published Dec. 18, 2014 3:55 PM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2015 12:33 PM