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Seminar: Energy Lessons From the Netherlands

The virtue of innovation systems, analysis for policy makers and other stakeholder in the Energy Transition: Lessons from the Netherlands.

Picture of Marko Hekkert


Join the TIK Centre for a two hour seminar with lessons about the Dutch energy transition, from professor Marko Hekkert, University of Utrecht.

Long innovation tradition

Innovation scholars have a long tradition of recognizing the collective and systemic nature of innovation. Since the 1980s this way of thinking has spilled over to the policy domain.

However, the complex and systemic nature of innovation also creates significant challenges for policy makers. How to intervene in these complex systems? Often policy decisions are made based on deeply rooted beliefs or gut feeling rather than proper analysis.

A system functioning focus

In the last eight years a new perspective on analyzing innovation systems has emerged. Scholars highlight that a focus on system functioning may be a valuable addition to focusing on the structure of the innovation system. A significant body of literature has shown that this type of analysis quickly leads to insight in systemic problems that can be a target for policy makers.

Cooperation in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands an experimental project started to use this approach in the design of energy innovation policy and subsequently to monitor the impact of the policy. To make this work, a close collaboration started between innovation system scholars at Utrecht University and policy makers.

Prof. Marko Hekkert is head of Innovation Studies at Utrecht University. The group (35 fte) is part of the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development and focuses mainly on studying emerging technologies and societal transition processes.

The Seminar will be held in room 648 at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Registration can be sent to


The TIK Centre
Published Jan. 29, 2015 10:44 AM - Last modified June 14, 2024 9:47 AM