
Who What Where and when Resources

Ryggvik, Helge

Brazilization With Foreign ownership London School of Economics, SASE 2015, July 2nd 2015 SASE 2015 program

Wicken, Olav; Ville, Simon; Dead, John

Creation and Regeneration og Resource-Based Industries in Australia and Norway since 1950 Australia and Pacific Economic and Business History conference, February 11th-13th 2016  
Ryggvik, Helge Building a skilled National oil industry

Mexico City, Norwegian Business Day, Tuesday 28. April 2015

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Ryggvik, Helge The Norwegian Oil Experience: Glossy Pictures and Realities. Keynote Petrocultures, St. John, Newfoundland, August 31 – September 3, 2016 Petro Cultures 2016
Ryggvik, Helge Hvordan skal vi overleve? Omstilling eller endringsledelse, Skråblikk på oljebransjen

Handelshøyskolen BI – konferanse: Flyttbare innretninger 2016 – Veien videre, Bergen 20.-21. april 2016

Flyttbare innretninger 2016
Wicken, Olav og Andersen, Allan Dahl Diversity and Innovation in natural resource based industries: Implications for industry development, sustainability transitions and innovation theory 2016 EU-SPRI Conference, Lund, 7.-10. Juni 2016 EU SPRI 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE
Mäkitie, T.; Andersen, A.D.; Hanson, J.; Normann, H.E.; Thune, T. One leg in an oil puddle: structural overlaps of offshore wind power with oil and gas industry in Norway EURKIND Conference, Valencia, 22.-24. Juni 2016 Eurkind #GCW2016
Mäkitie, T.; Andersen, A.D.; Thune, T. m.fl Established sector expediting clean technology industries? The Norwegian oil and gas sector’s engagement with the emerging offshore wind power IST conference, Wuppertal, 6.-9. September 2016 IST2016
Thune, T. & Hanson, J. Brune røtter og grønne spirer Energiforskningskonferansen 2016, Norges forskningsråd Energikonferansen 2016
Wicken, Olav; Ville, Simon; Dean, John

Creation and Regeneration of Resource-Based Industries in Australia and Norway since1950

Australia and Pacific Economic and Business History conference, 11.-13. Febuary 2016 Conference 2016
Gonzalez, Jakoba Sraml Adapting existing solutions to new problems: a case study of innovation activities among the Norwegian petroleum-related supply companies in crisis Paper presented at the NORSI Research School Conference, BI Business School, 15. December 2016 NORSI Research School Conference 2016
Mäkitie, Tuukka; Håkon E. Normann, Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez & Taran M. Thune The green fling: Market volatility in incumbent industries and sustainability transitions in an oil-fuelled economy NORSI Research School Conference, BI Business School, 15. December 2016 NORSI Research School Conference 2016
Thune, Taran Transitions in the Norwegian oil economy: Contemporary transformations in light of history Presentation to PhD course on transformation in resource economics, University of Oslo, 16.11.2016 Schedule TIK9023
Wicken, Olav Dynamics of natural resource based industries from a learning economy approach Open lecture at IUPERJ, University Candido Mendes 3.7.2017 IUPERJ 2017
Ryggvik, Helge Norge og den Brasilianske oljen Presentation to Ministry of Oil and Energy, Oslo, 13 January 2017  
Thune, Taran Oil tycoon and green growth champion? Presentation to workshop on “Is there a potential in Europe for ‘smart green growth’ and a sustainable future? Analyzing the Nordic experience in public sector promotion of the transition. University of Lund, Sweden, 7-8 March 2017  
Thune, Taran Innovasjon og omstilling i den petroleumsrettede leverandørindustrien Presentation on seminar organized by Statistics Norway, 22.05.17 Project SSB
Ryggvik, Helge; Wicken, Olav & Thune, Taran Natural Resource based Industrialization and Upgrading: Examples from oil and gas sector in Norway and Brazil presentation at Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Lyon 29.6-1.7 2017 SASE 2017
Gulbrandsen, Magnus; Andersen, Allan Dahl & Simensen, Erlend Innovation for Diversification: Openness and Collaboration Patterns in the Norwegian Petroleum Supplier Cluster Paper presented at the R&D Management-conference, KU Leuven 3-5 July 2017 Conference Agenda RND 2017
Gonzalez, Jakoba Sraml Creating a future for technology or creating a technology for the future?: Technology development choices in industry crisis Presentation at the R&D Management conference 2017, KU Leuven, Belgium, 3-5 July 2017 Conference Agenda RND 2017
Gonzalez, Jakoba Sraml Innovation in times of crisis: Case study of the supply service companies in the oil and gas industry in Norway Presentation at the 23rd SPRU PhD forum, SPRU, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 8-9 May 2017 SPRU PHD Forum Programme 2017
Mäkitie, Tuukka; Håkon E. Normann, Jakoba Sraml Gonzalez & Taran M. Thune The green flings: The role of market volatility in incumbent firms’ engagement in sustainability transitions The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, 18-21 June 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden IST 2017
Wicken, Olav Why some natural resource based economies succeed: Transforming resource industries into knowledge economy International Conference: Beyond the Natural Resource Curse: Industrial Upgrading in the Brazilian O&G industry, Rio de Janeiro 7.2.2017 HIOA International Conference
Makitie; Tuukka; Andersen, Allan Dahl: Hanson, Jens Under which conditions established sectors accelerate emerging clean-tech industries? Relatedness in innovation systems perspective The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, 18-21 June 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden IST 2017
Thune, Taran Mari; Ryggvik, Helge; Andersen, Allan Dahl Transformations in the Norwegian petroleum industry: handling turbulence and forging ahead? SIVAC conference, University of Oslo, 14. September 2017 Presentation - Taran Mari Thune 
Presentation - Allan Andersen
Presentation - Helge Ryggvik
Thune, T., Makitie, T. & Gonzalez, J. From oil to offshore wind, and back again. Resource redeployment and diversification to green niches The R&D Management conference, 2018, Milan, Italy, 2-4 July, 2018.  
Gonzalez, J. & Thune, T. User–producer relationships and innovation in turbulent times–a case study of a specialised supplier in upstream petroleum. EGOS conference, Estonian Business School (EBS) July 5–7, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia. Sub-theme 52: Projects for Innovation: Managing Novelty and Uncertainty.
Simensen, E. and Abbasiharofteh, M. What Drives Knowledge Sourcing in the Norwegian Innovation System?

Global Conference on Economic Geography, Cologne, July 2018

Simensen, E. & Thune, T. Modes of innovation in mature industrial sectors-evidence from upstream petroleum.

DRUID Winter Academy, January 2018, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

Allan Dahl Andersen and Magnus Gulbrandsen The industrial dynamics of technology phase-out in socio-technical transitions: Insights from the upstream oil technology value chain International Sustainability Transitions Conference, June 12th, 2018, Manchester, UK
Allan Dahl Andersen & Magnus Gulbrandsen Managed decline and resource redeployment in socio-technical transitions: Insights from “lead diversifiers” in the Norwegian O&G industry Beyond Oil Conference 26/10-2017, Bergen


Published Dec. 8, 2016 1:00 PM - Last modified July 3, 2024 8:55 AM