Transformations in the Norwegian petroleum industry: handling turbulence and forging ahead?

The aim of the seminar is to discuss ongoing transformations in the upstream petroleum industry in Norway.


The Norwegian petroleum industry is currently facing a multitude of challenges. One is the prolonged slump in commodity prices, and other is the maturing of fields on the continental shelf and the third is the long-term viability of the industry in a world moving to climate friendlier energy solutions. The industry is trying to cope with new demand and conditions by investing and deploying new technologies, by increasing efficiency and by entering new markets.

Handling turbulence is nothing new in this industry, but can it rely on past successes in how to handle transformation or is the successful past locking the industry into rigid patterns it cannot escape from?

This seminar brings together industry, policy-makers and analysts that study the ongoing transformation in the petroleum industry. The seminar is organized by the SIVAC-project, funded by the Petrosam2-program in the Norwegian Research Council.


Preliminary program

12.00 - 12.15 welcome by TIK Head of Department, Fulvio Castellacci, and introduction by SIVAC Project, Professor Taran Mari Thune

12.15 – 13.00 Contracting, regulating and making industrial policy under uncertainty: Reflections on the developments on the Norwegian continental shelf. Professor Charles Sabel, Maurice T. Moore Professor of Law and Social Science at Columbia Law School, USA

13.05 - 13.35 Modes of innovation in upstream petroleum – past successes, future hindrances? Professor Taran Thune, University of Oslo

13.35 - 14.05 Foreign market entry as a way of handling turbulence? Senior researcher TIK Helge Ryggvik, University of Oslo

Coffee break

14.30 – 15.00 Alternative markets and “green flings”: experiences of entering into new markets outside of petroleum. Researcher, PhD, Allan Dahl Andersen, University of  Oslo

15.00 - 16.00 Opportunities and challenges in transformations: What does it take for suppliers to make the transition from a domestic oil and gas market and can policy support it? This will be a panel discussion.

The moderator is Professor Magnus Gulbrandsen. The participants will each be given five minutes to present their perspectives on the ongoing transitions in the industry. This will be followed by a debate, and subsequent questions from the audience.



Anne-Mette Hilmen - Deputy Director General, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy: Climate, Industry and Technology Department

Werner Karlsson - Regional Director Europe and Middle East, Norwegian Energy Partners

Hanne Wigum - Manager Renewable Technology, Statoil

Hans Petter Bøe Rebo - Fagsjef/Assistant Director for Oil and gas technology Suppliers, Norsk Industri/Federation of Norwegian Industries

Kjartan Pedersen - Director of Research & Innovation, Aker Solutions

Professor Ole Andreas Hegland Engen - SEROS: Centre for Risk Management and Societal Safety, University of Stavanger 


Register for the seminar?  

Attendance at the seminar is free of charge, but registration is required.

Please register online no later than September 10th, 2017 at 16.00 .


Published Aug. 9, 2017 2:59 PM - Last modified July 29, 2022 11:42 AM