STS Methods Lab: Multispecies methods in political ecologies of conflict

We are happy to welcome Associate professor in environmental humanities and director of the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, Ursula Münster for the next STS Methods Lab.

Human nature is a multispecies affair (Tsing). Multispecies scholars argue that relationships with other living (and non-living) beings constitute human sociality and thus fall within their areas of research. Yet, how can scholars in the humanities and social sciences overcome anthropocentrism to more adequately understand and represent worlds of matter and meaning mutually shaped by human  and nonhuman lives? This question lies at the heart of multispecies scholarship.

In this session of the methods lab, Ursula Münster explores experiments with multispecies ethnography that aim to recognize the meaningful agency of animals, plants and viruses and their world-making processes, while at the same time acknowledging their embeddedness in the political ecologies of plantation monocultures, authoritarian forest governance and interspecies clashes.

For zoom link to the seminar, contact


Published Mar. 17, 2021 1:57 PM - Last modified Apr. 8, 2021 11:39 AM