TEMPEST - Transforming household mobility practices through shared consumption: Low-carbon transport and sustainable energy solutions in urban areas (completed)

TIK will participate in the TEMPEST project from 2016-2019. Illustration: Colourbox.

About the Project

The overall research objective is to develop an understanding of the conditions for systemic changes in the transport system, focusing in particular on transitions from privately owned means of transportation toward shared mobility services, household practices, and the subsequent potential for energy reductions.

Subordinated reearch questions

The overall objective is investigated through the following four derived research questions which again are closely linked to the five central work packages:

  1. What are the key technical, political and social factors influencing a transition in the transport system towards low-carbon and low-energy urban mobility, related to utilisation of shared mobility services? (WP1)
  2. What are the key factors in households affecting on a transition toward utilisation of shared mobility services? (WP2 & WP4)
  3. How can stakeholders (transport and city-regions authorities, private product developers) stimulate to transitions of shared mobility services in urban regions? (WP3)
  4. What is the potential future uptake of shared mobility services, and what is the potential future reductions in energy? (WP5)


The project will be carried out by a  consortium led by the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI). TIK is one of several partners in the consortium. The project is funded by The Norwegian Research Council through the EnergiX programme, and is planned to finish in 2019.

Published May 13, 2016 11:00 AM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2022 9:53 AM


  • Elisabeth M.C. Svennevik University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants