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Gjesteforelesninger og seminarer


Tid og sted: , TIK (Eilert Sundts hus B, Meeting room 1040)

On the occasion of Professor Marion Fourcade (UC Berkeley) being appointed honorary doctor at the University of Oslo (UiO), TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture organizes a workshop with Fourcade on the topic: Valuations, economy and the digital: How to work and study the contemporary economy.

Tid og sted: , Trygve Haavelmos auditorium 7

Sociologist Marion Fourcade gives a guest lecture at TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture on Tuesday, September 3rd, on the occasion of her being appointed honorary doctor at UiO 2024.


Center for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK), University of Oslo, FME NTRANS and INTRANSIT  invite to this seminar chaired by Allan Dahl Andersen, Associate Professor, TIK, UiO. 

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs Hus, U35

SPARK Social Innovation invites you to an open discussion on research ethics and integrity.

Tid og sted: , Ullevål Stadion: Meeting room 302

Guest lecture by Professor Marco Vivarelli.


Tid og sted: , HF 12 - Niels Treschows hus

Seminar in honour of Professor Olav Wicken.


Tid og sted: , Zoom/BETA, University of Strasbourg
Tid og sted: , Zoom

Fulvio Castellacci (director at TIK) speaks about his research on innovation and social welfare. The webinar is hosted by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, an institute founded and directed by Mariana Mazzucato.

Tid og sted: , Zoom webinar

As part of our innovation lunch series, Professor James Wilsdon (The University of Sheffield) presents "Meta-science and meta-research: old wine in new bottles, or a cocktail for change?"

Tid og sted: , Zoom webinar

The TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture invites you to a digital workshop on Digitalization and users’ well-being on Friday the 29th of January

Tid og sted: , Zoom webinar

The TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture invites you to a digital workshop on Digitalization, growth and international trade on Thursday the 28th of January

Tid og sted: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building

Professor Lars Frers from the University of South-Eastern Norway will present his work on multi-sensory methods in social science and humanities.

Tid og sted: , room 551, Eilert Sundt building

Professor Martin Kenney, UC Davis will present his work on "Platform-Dependent Entrepreneurs: Power Asymmetries, Risks, and Strategies in the Platform Economy"

Tid og sted: , TIK's teaching room, 529 Eilert Sundt's hus
Tid og sted: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building

PhD Fellow Frauke Rohden visits the TIK Methods Lab to present her ongoing work on the topic of digital ethnography and digital methods.

Tid og sted: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building

Hélène Mialet from the York University in Canada visits TIK Methods Lab with her talk Translating the body and the self through dogs and machines. The seminar is open to all.

Tid og sted: , Room 551, 5th floor, Eilert SUndt Building, Blindern

Sandro Montresor visits TIK to discuss a recent paper on the extent to which MNEs contribute to the regional specialisation in green technologies.

Tid og sted: , Rom 648, Eilerty Sundt Building, Blindern

Dr Magdalena Stawkowski visits the TIK centre and the Toxicity Reading Group to give a talk on the recent repurposing of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site in Kazakhstan.

Tid og sted: , 551

TIK welcomes all our friends to a seminar on Technological Diversification and Regional Resilience by Ron Boschma.

Tid og sted: , Salen, Tøyen Hovudgård, Botanisk Hage

For nøyaktig 20 år siden kom boka «Betatt av viten – bruksanvisninger til Donna Haraway» ut på Spartacus Forlag. I de tjue årene som har gått siden da har Haraway fortsatt å irritere, utfordrer og inspirere. Vi som en gang laget boka sammen, ønsker å invitere til seminar om Haraway som en feministisk teknovitenskapelig stemme, som talsperson for ontologisk undring, som samtalepartner med ulike former for levd liv så vel som en skarp røst innen teknologi og vitenskapsstudier (STS). Vi spør fortsatt– hvordan kan Haraway brukes?

Tid og sted: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building, Blindern Campus

Professor Hannah Landecker is visiting TIK on Tuesday the 30th of October, and she will be presenting the paper "The Food of our Food: Medicated Feed and the Industrialization of Metabolism".

Tid og sted: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building, Blindern campus

Dr. Jochen Markard will hold a talk reflecting on the emerging research topics in the field of energy transition studies.