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Jubileumskonferansen 2019: TIK 20 år

TIK- senteret ønsker ansatte, studenter, venner og samarbeidspartnere velkommen til feiring!

Bildet kan inneholde: font, sirkel, tre, begivenhet.

Interdisciplinarity in the Age of Uncertainty 

(Konferansen vil foregå på engelsk)

09.30- 10.00

Coffee and registration

10:00- 10.30

Opening and welcome speeches
Fulvio Castellacci (Director, TIK)
Kjartan Almenning (Politisk rådgiver, KD)

10.30- 11.30

Research and Innovation for Sustainability
Keynote adress by Johan Schot (Professor, Utrecht University)
Comments by Marianne Ryghaug (Professor, NTNU)
Allan Dahl Andersen (Associate Professor, TIK)
Joint discussion moderated by Olav Wicken (Professor, TIK)

11.30- 12.15  Lunch (served in main hallway)

12.15- 13.15

Why do we need interdisciplinary research to adress societal challenges?
Panel discussion moderated by Magnus Gulbrandsen (Professor, TIK)
Tanja Storsul (Director, Institute for Social Research)
Johan Schot (Professor, Utrecht University)
Johannes Waage Løvhaug (Department Director, NFR)

13.15- 14.15

Technologies and Politics of Life
Ingunn Moser (Professor and Rector, VID)
Anders Blok (Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen)
Jessica Mesman (Associate Professor, Maastricht University)
Kristin Asdal (Professor, TIK)
Joint discussion moderated by Susanne Bauer (Professor, TIK)

14.15- 14.45 Coffee break

14.45- 15.45

Undisciplined education: reality-oriented or second rate?
Panel discussion moderated by Hilde Reinertsen (Postdoctor, TIK) 
Tone Bjørndal (Project manager, Norsk Klimastiftelse)
Jarle Hildrum (Senior Research Scientist, Telenor)
Jessica Mesman (Associate Professor, Maastricht University and ESST)
Asun Lera St.Clair (Senior Principal Scientist, DNV-GL)
Daniel Ras-Vidal (Director, Kunnskapsbyen Lillestrøm)
Helge Jordheim (Professor, IKOS, UiO)

Closing remarks and opening of "TIK torget"

Ingjerd Hoëm (Stydeleder ved TIK)
Taran Thune (Professor, TIK) introduserer "TIK torget"

16.00- 18.00

"TIK torget"
TIK Torget is an interactive display of research and educational activities carried out by TIK staff, students and partners. Visitors are free to stop by, learn and discuss with us whilst enjoying complementary refreshments.

Tapas and drinks served

18.00- 23.00

We continue our celebration at U1 (the student pub in the basement of Eilert Sunds house), please join us!


Emneord: Påmelding
Publisert 15. jan. 2019 14:26 - Sist endret 4. juni 2024 09:46