PhD midway seminar: Exploring hyperlinking practices in informal science communication online

Frauke Rohden is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK). This seminar marks her midway evaluation.

Project description

This project explores the use of hyperlinks in online communities that engage in informal science communication. I am studying websites and social media platforms using digital methods and will use materials from three different groups that engage in informal science communication online: Civic actors such as the climate movements Extinction Rebellion and Fridays for Future, informal online communities of science enthusiasts on the social media platform reddit, and answers to informal requests for expertise in social media. In all these different settings, there is an emphasis on online interactions, an enthusiastic view of science, and an engagement in informal science communication practices. Using, creating, or amplifying different sources and formats of scientific information, these online spaces represent the opposite of frequently feared networks of misinformation online. Understanding their practices is an important contribution to explore the diverse range of online environments that engage with scientific information and the role of informal communication online for the diffusion, understanding, and use of scientific knowledge.

Thesis supervisors

Susanne Bauer (UiO)
Magnus Gulbrandsen (UiO)


Andreas Birkbak (Aalborg University Copenhagen)
Ana Delgado (UiO)

How to participate

The seminar is open to everyone, and the manuscript is available upon request. Please register for the event by sending an email to


Publisert 11. mars 2021 10:33 - Sist endret 11. mars 2021 10:33