Final PhD seminar: Tommas Måløy

In this final seminar, Tommas Måløy will present the draft of his PhD thesis, which traces the sequencing of the cod’s genome and the virtual lab-space in which genomes are digitally reconstructed and analyzed.

Thesis title:
Small lab, Big data

About the project:
Genome sequencing is a process by which the genome of an organism is translated into digital information. The last 20 years has seen an explosion in the availability of sequence data in biology. Where previously only model organisms have had whole genome data available, the number of species who have had their genome sequenced is increasing rapidly. Among the first non-model organisms to be sequenced was the Atlantic cod. It was sequenced by a small team at a small lab, utilizing new technology in sequencing and software. As such the sequencing of the cod’s genome is part of a change in biology where small labs can undertake big sequencing projects. As part of this development biology has become highly digitalized and understanding the digital tools is crucial. This thesis traces the sequencing of the cod’s genome and with it the virtual lab-space in which genomes are digitally reconstructed and analyzed.

This thesis follows the Aqua Genome Project whose goal is to sequence the genomes of 1000 cod and salmon, and the COMPARE project that uses a sequencing technology called single cell transcriptomics to map the cod’s immune system and compare it to humans. It examines how genomic knowledge is made, communicated and valued in digitalized biology.

The thesis is based on interviews with researchers, document analysis of research papers, text-author ensemble, and digital ethnography in the programs used to assemble and analyze genomes, and on sites like GitHub where the programs are stored and shared.

Thesis supervisor:
Professor Kristin Asdal, TIK - Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo

Associate Professor Maximilian Fochler, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna

About Tommas Måløy:
Tommas Måløy is a PhD Research Fellow at the TIK - Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo. This seminar marks the final evaluation prior to submission of his dissertation.

The manuscript (draft) is available upon request. Please send a request to Lara Kristiansen

How to participate:
The seminar is open to everyone and will be a hybrid event. Please register by sending an email to Lara Kristiansen stating whether you would like to participate in person or digitally. Deadline for registration: 28 April 2023.


Emneord: final seminar, sluttseminar, PhD
Publisert 18. apr. 2023 09:37 - Sist endret 18. apr. 2024 12:17