Bridging Boundaries (avsluttet)

Bridging Boundaries initiates educational exchange in social studies of science, technology and medicine between the TIK program (University of Oslo, Norway) and the program at the PAST-Centre (Tomsk State University, Russian Federation).

In 2019 and 2020 the project will host 2 students from Tomsk State University to participate in the TIK- course “Science and Technology in Politics and Society”. Complementary, 2 students from Norway can travel to the Russian Federation during their master thesis  module and interact with the research environment at the PAST center of Tomsk State University. Lecturers from both universities will contribute to research-based teaching and supervision.

For TIK/ESST students' exchange experiences in Tomsk, see here.

The project is funded by DIKU for 2019 to 2020 and extended through 2021.


Publisert 2. des. 2019 13:10 - Sist endret 22. mars 2024 12:37