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Published May 24, 2019 3:03 PM

The phrase ‘further research is needed’ is often found in both research articles and in policymaking, where the quest for more ‘evidence’ has become a mantra. But is research really lacking, or can there be other forces behind policymakers’ request for more research?

Publisert 10. mai 2019 11:37

Hva skal til for at forskning brukes? Dette er et sentralt spørsmål for forskerne ved OSIRIS-senteret. I april inviterte OSIRIS byråkratene til Blindern for å lære mer om forskningspolitikk og effekter av forskning.

Published Nov. 30, 2018 3:42 PM

In OSIRIS in 2018 we have tested a new method for mapping the use of research by practitioners and policymakers in the public sector. The results show that there is a large degree of diversity in how research is accessed and used. In general, informal practices like “asking a colleague” and “googling” are more frequent than formal ways of searching for research-based knowledge.

Published Oct. 19, 2018 4:21 PM

Researcher Gry Cecilie Høiland will defend her thesis «Frontline policy implementation in public organizations. A sociological analysis of the ‘how and why’ of implementation gaps» on November 1st.

Published June 7, 2018 2:46 PM

This week, several OSIRIS team members are attending EU-SPRI 2018: Governance and relevance: Towards a new generation of research and innovation policies.

Published May 23, 2018 12:21 PM

Environmentally friendly technologies are an important example of an area where innovations have a high social value, but where markets would be scarce – or even absent – without public interventions. In our article “Can direct regulations spur innovations in environmental technologies? A study on firm-level patenting” we address this timely question and find that such public policies indeed encourage innovation in environmentally friendly technologies.