Fire nye prosjekter om vitenskap og teknologi

TIK-senteret fikk finansiering for fire nye prosjekter i Forskningsrådets tildeling 18.desember 2019 - tre Unge Forskertalenter og ett Forskerprosjekt.

Storeslem for Vitenskaps- og teknologigruppen

Alle fire innvilgede søknader kom fra forskere i senterets STS-gruppe.

Hele tre av de nye tildelingene er til såkalte Unge Forskertalenter - en egen søknadstype for unge og fremadstormende forskere. Den siste tildelingen er i kategorien Forskerprosjekt. Med innvilgelsesprosent på ca 11%, er TIK svært fornøyde og stolte over å ha fått tildelt finansiering for alle (!) søknadene som ble sendt til fristen 10.april 2019. 


Tone Druglitrø - Resisting bodies: The practices and politics of the immune system (ResBod - FRIPRO)

ResBod will develop new perspectives and methods for describing and analysing the complexities of immunological issues related to health and disease across species. It will provide unique empirical studies of the intricate and often difficult tasks of ordering and attuning human and nonhuman bodies in scientific and political practices in attempts to make life safe, healthy and resistant.


Hilde Reinertsen - Evaluation optics of the nation state: The past, present and future of public documentation (EVALUNATION - FRIPRO)

EVALUNATION's primary objective is to understand and conceptualize the historical developments and ongoing transformations of evaluation practice in Norway, with special attention to (a) the intersections between evaluation and audit and (b) the digitalization of evaluation tools, methods, and infrastructures. The secondary objective is to spark professional reflection and reorientation within the evaluation community and the wider public.


Tone Huse - Urban Transformation in a Warming Arctic: The Continued Effects of Nordic Colonialism in Urban Development and Planning

UrbTrans will increase our understanding of how the citizens and authorities of Nuuk respond to the challenges and opportunities of a warming Arctic, including the ways in which the city's colonial past is activated in and affects ongoing transformation processes.


Kristin Asdal - Value-Threads: Tracing the economy as technology and culture in an emergent valueeconomy

The primary objective of Value-Threads is to provide a better understanding of the valuation practices and technologies that underpin efforts to transform our economy into a sustainable post-carbon bio-economy.




Publisert 18. des. 2019 13:52 - Sist endret 18. des. 2019 15:49