Kristin Asdal visiting professor at the University of Vienna

Kristin Asdal is visiting professor at the University of Vienna in March 2023. 

Centre Director at TIK Kristin Asdal has been invited to the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Vienna as a guest professor in March 2023.

On Thursday 29 March Kristin Asdal gave a lecture the lecture "On the little tools and social epistemology of democracy" where she presented her earlier research on politics and will seek to further develop them by suggesting to build from a material and device-oriented approach to examine the procedures of politics as a knowledge practice in its own right.

For more information about the lecture:

STS Talk by Kristin ASDAL (

Kristin Asdal


Publisert 31. mars 2023 12:28 - Sist endret 31. mars 2023 12:43