Ana Maria Delgado Aleman

Bilde av Ana Maria Delgado Aleman
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Ana Delgado er førsteamanuensis i Vitenskaps- og teknologistudier, og har bakgrunn far sosialantropologi.

Ana Delgados forskning er opptatt av vitenskapens og teknologiens offentlige dimensjoner. Forskningen hennes kombinerer innsikter fra STS, sosialantropologi og politisk teori.

Arbeidet hennes har først og fremst tatt for seg biovitenskapene, fra overføring av biologisk mangfold til biologisk data. Hun har sett på hvordan bioobjekter - som frø og mikroorganismer - stabiliseres, legitimeres og offentliggjøres. Forskningen hennes har vært opptatt av kunnskap og teknologipolitikk i institusjonelle omgivelser og i politiske konstellasjoner som økologibevegelsen og Do It Yourself Biology-nettverk.

Ana sin nåværende forskning er fokusert på forskjellige former for åpen vitenskap med særlig fokus på praksiser for deling og infrastruktur-skaping. Dette inkluderer en kritisk tilnærming til bioøkonomien, og hvordan innovasjon produseres ikke bare i hverdagslig forskning og markedspraksis, men også i aktivisme og grasrotengasjement med teknologi. Ana sitt arbeid har også vært opptatt av hvordan ulike fremtider blir iverksatt i samtiden, spesielt gjennom infrastruktur og bio-design.

TIK viser til Ana Delgados engelske personprofil for mer informasjon.


Emneord: Vitenskaps- og teknologistudier


Artikler i vitenskapelige tidsskrifter (utvalgte)


Delgado, A. and Bauer, S. (2024). Extractions: Data Infrastructures and the Public Good (Thematic collection introduction), Science, Technology and Human Values.

Delgado, A. (2023) An Economy of Detail: Standards and Data Reusability. Synthetic Biology 8(1)

Pascual, J. Tanner, K. Vilanova, C. Porcar, M and Delgado, A. (2021) “The microbial terroir: open questions on the Nagoya protocol applied to microbial resources”  Microbial Biotechnology  ( peer reviewed commentary paper).

Delgado , Ana (2021). Microbial Extractions: Sequence-based Bioprospecting, Augmented Promises and Elusive Politics. Science, Technology and Human Values. ISSN 0162-2439. doi: 10.1177/01622439211055693.

Delgado , Ana and Åm, Heidrun (2021). Biologisk mangfold og selvråderett - hvorfor digitale genetiske data ikke er "den nye oljen" . Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0800-336X. 38(01-02), p. 45–57. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3053-2021-01-02-05.

Delgado, A. and Åm, H (2018) "Experiments in Interdisciplinarity: Responsible Research and Innovation and the Public Good". PLoS Biol 16(3): e2003921.

Delgado, A. and Callén, B. (2017) "DIYbio and e-waste Hacking: A Politics of Demonstration in Times of Precariousness". Public Understanding of Science 26 (2): 179-194.

Delgado, A. (2016)  “Assembling Desires: Synthetic Biology and the Wish to Act at a Distant Time”. Environment and Planning D. Society and Space 34(5): 914-934. 

Delgado, A., Strand, R., Funtowicz, S., and Dankel, D. (2013) “Plug and Play: Synthetic Biology and the Dream of Engineering Biology”. Editorial: Special Issue on Synthetic Biology. Futures, the Journal of Policy, Planning and Future Studies 48: 1-4 (Editorial)

Delgado, A. (2013) “DIYbio: Making Things and Making Futures . Special Issue on Synthetic Biology. Futures, the Journal of Policy, Planning and Future Studies 48: 65-73

Delgado, A. and Porcar, M. (2013) “Designing de Novo. Interdisciplinary Debates in Synthetic Biology” Journal of Systems and Synthetic Biology 7 (1-2): 41-50.

Delgado, A., S. Funtowicz, Dankel, D.J. (2012). "Super-computers, Evolution and the Fabrication of Life: How Can Science and Technology Studies (STS) Contribute to More Reflexive Developments in Systems and Synthetic Biology?" International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development  3:(2) 12-24

Delgado, A. & Rommetveit, K. (2012)  “Our strength is Diversity”: Imaginaries of Nature and Community in a Brazilian Social Movement" International Journal of Sustainable Development  15(4) 353-373.

Delgado, A., Rommetveit, K., Barceló, M., and Lemkow, L. (2012) "Imagining High-Tech Bodies: Science Fiction and the Ethics of Enhancement" Science Communication 34(2):200-240.

Delgado, A., Kjølberg, K. and Wickson, F. (2011). “Public Engagement Coming of Age: From Theory to Practice in STS Encounters with Nanotechnology” Public Understanding of Science 20(6): 829-845

Wickson, F; Delgado, A., and Kjølberg, K. (2010). "Who or What is the Public?", Nature Nanotechnology 5: 757–758

Delgado, A (2010) Democratizar la Ciencia? Dialogo, Apertura y Participación”.  Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia Technología y Sociedad 15(5):1-15

Delgado, A.(2010): "Activist Trust: the Diffusion of Green Expertise in a Brazilian Landscape". Public Understanding of Science (19):5, 562-578

Delgado, A. & R. Strand. (2009) "Looking North and South: Ideals and Realities of Inclusive Environmental Governance?" Geoforum 41 (1): 144-153. 

Delgado, A. (2008) "Opening Up For Participation in Agro-biodiversity Conservation: the Expert-Lay Interplay in a Brazilian Social Movement?" Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 21(6), s. 559-577


Delgado, A. and Rodriguez-Giralt, I. 2014. Creole interferences: a conflict over biodiversity and ownership in the South of Brazil. In Medina, E., Ivan da Costa Marques and Christina Holmes (editors). Beyond Imported Magic: Studying Science and Technology in Latin America. MIT Press, Inside Technology Series. Cambridge, MA. Pp. 331-349

Sune, K; Delgado, A, and Bertilsson, M. (2016) “The public spectre”: reflections on public engagement with technology in contemporary democracies. In Delgado, A (Ed). Technoscience and Citizenship: ethics and governance in the digital society. Springer series on Law, Ethics and Technology Pp. 17-30


Delgado, A. (ed) (2016) Technoscientific Governance: Citizenship and the Ethics of Emerging Technologies.  Introductory chapter in Delgado, A (Ed). Technoscience and Citizenship: ethics and governance in the digital society. Springer series on Law, Ethics and Technology. Pp. I-X

  • Delgado , Ana & Bauer, Susanne (2024). Extractions: Data Infrastructures and the Public Good. Science, Technology and Human Values. ISSN 0162-2439. 49(3), s. 435–442. doi: 10.1177/01622439241242872.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2023). An economy of details: standards and data reusability. Synthetic Biology. 8(1). doi: 10.1093/synbio/ysac030.
  • Delgado , Ana (2021). Microbial Extractions: Sequence-based Bioprospecting, Augmented Promises and Elusive Politics. Science, Technology and Human Values. ISSN 0162-2439. doi: 10.1177/01622439211055693. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Pascual, Javier; Kristi, Tanner; Cristina, Villanova & Porcar, Manuel (2021). “The microbial terroir: open questions on the Nagoya protocol applied to microbial resources” . Microbial Biotechnology. ISSN 1751-7907. 14(5), s. 1878–1880. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.13839. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Delgado , Ana & Åm, Heidrun (2021). Biologisk mangfold og selvråderett - hvorfor digitale genetiske data ikke er "den nye oljen" . Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0800-336X. 38(01-02), s. 45–57. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3053-2021-01-02-05.
  • Delgado , Ana & Åm, Heidrun (2018). Experiments in interdisciplinarity: Responsible research and innovation and the public good. PLoS Biology. ISSN 1544-9173. 16:e2003921(3), s. 1–8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2003921. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kim Sune, Jepsen; Delgado , Ana & Thora Margareta, Bertilsson (2016). 'The public spectre': reflections on public engagement with technology in contemporary democracies. I Delgado , Ana (Red.), Technoscience and Citizenship: Ethics and Governance in the Digital Society. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-32412-8. s. 17–32.
  • Delgado , Ana (2016). Introduction: Technoscientific Governance– The Ethics and Citizenship of New and Emerging Technologies. I Delgado , Ana (Red.), Technoscience and Citizenship: Ethics and Governance in the Digital Society. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-32412-8.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Callén, Blanca (2016). Do-it-yourself biology and electronic waste hacking: A politics of demonstration in precarious times. Public Understanding of Science. ISSN 0963-6625. 26(2), s. 179–194. doi: 10.1177/0963662516647348. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2016). Assembling desires: Synthetic biology and the wish to act at a distant time. Environment & Planning. D, Society and Space. ISSN 0263-7758. 34(5), s. 914–934. doi: 10.1177/0263775816637872.
  • Vaage, Nora Sørensen; Trojok, Rüdiger; Borch, Martin & Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2015). Biohacking meets philosophy, sociology and ethics: Notes on the S.NET 2014 Meeting in Karlsruhe. I Bowman, Diana M; Dijkstra, Anne; Fautz, Camilo; Guivant, Julia; Konrad, Kornelia; van Lente, Harro & Woll, Silvia (Red.), Practices of Innovation and Responsibility: insights from methods, governance and action. IOS Press. ISSN 978-1-61499-581-4. s. 211–226.
  • Dankel, Dorothy Jane; Roland, Kenneth L.; Fisher, Michael; Brenneman, Karen; Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Santander, Javier [Vis alle 10 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2014). Making common sense of vaccines: an example of discussing the recombinant attenuated salmonella vaccine with the public. NanoEthics. ISSN 1871-4757. 8(2), s. 179–185. doi: 10.1007/s11569-014-0198-6. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Porcar, Manuel (2013). Designing de novo. Interdisciplinary debates in synthetic biology. Journal of Systems and Synthetic Biology. ISSN 1872-5325. 7(1-2), s. 41–50. doi: 10.1007/s11693-013-9106-6.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2013). DIYbio: Making things and making futures. Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies. ISSN 0016-3287. 48, s. 65–73. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2013.02.004.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Rommetveit, Kjetil; Lemkow, Louis & Barcelo, Miquel (2012). Imagining High-Tech Bodies: Science Fiction and the Ethics of Enhancement. Science communication. ISSN 1075-5470. 34(2), s. 200–240. doi: 10.1177/1075547011408928.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Rommetveit, Kjetil (2012). 'Our strength is diversity': imaginaries of nature and community in a Brazilian social movement. International Journal of Sustainable Development. ISSN 0960-1406. 15(4/2012), s. 353–373. doi: 10.1504/IJSD.2012.050032.
  • Funtowicz, Silvio; Dankel, Dorothy & Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2012). Super-Computers, Evolution and the Fabrication of Life: How can Science and Technology Studies (STS) Contribute to More Reflexive Developments in Systems and Synthetic Biology? International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainble Development. ISSN 1947-8402. 3 (2), s. 11–24.
  • Wickson, Fern; Delgado, Ana & Kjølberg, Kamilla (2011). Public engagement coming of age: From theory to practice in STS encounters with nanotechnology. Public Understanding of Science. ISSN 0963-6625. doi: 10.1177/0963662510363054.
  • Delgado, Ana; Rommetveit, Kjetil; Lemkow, Louis & Barcelo, Miquel (2011). Imagining high-tech bodies: Science fiction and the ethics of enhancement (published online). Science communication. ISSN 1075-5470. doi: 10.1177/1075547011408928.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Kjølberg, Kamilla & Wickson, Fern (2011). Public engagement coming of age: From theory to practice in STS encounters with nanotechnology. Public Understanding of Science. ISSN 0963-6625. 20(6), s. 826–845. doi: 10.1177/0963662510363054.
  • Wickson, Fern; Delgado, Ana & Kjølberg, Kamilla (2010). Who or What is 'The Public'? Nature Nanotechnology. ISSN 1748-3387. 5(11), s. 757–758.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). ¿Democratizar la Ciencia? Diálogo, reflexividad y apertura. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad -CTS. ISSN 1668-0030. 5(15).
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). Activist trust: The diffusion of green expertise in a Brazilian landscape. Public Understanding of Science. ISSN 0963-6625. 19(5), s. 562–577. doi: 10.1177/0963662508098578.
  • Delgado, Aleman Ana Maria & Strand, Roger (2010). Looking North and South: Ideals and realities of inclusive environmental governance. Geoforum. ISSN 0016-7185. 41, s. 144–153. doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2009.09.008.
  • Delgado, Ana (2008). Opening Up for Participation in Agro-Biodiversity Conservation: The Expert-Lay Interplay in a Brazilian Social Movement. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. ISSN 1187-7863. 21(6), s. 559–577. doi: 10.1007/s10806-008-9117-6.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Delgado , Ana ; Porcar, Manuel; Ordozgoiti, Elena; Baldwin, Geoff; de Lorenzo, Victor & Ríos, Leonardo [Vis alle 10 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). STANDARDISATION IN SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY: A WHITE BOOK state-of-the-art and recommendations for policy makers. Sent to European Commission, Brussels.
  • Delgado , Ana (2016). Technoscience and Citizenship: Ethics and Governance in the Digital Society. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-32412-8. 189 s.
  • Delgado , Ana & Rodriguez-Giralt, Israel (2014). Creole interferences: a conflict over biodiversity and ownership in the South of Brazil. In Medina, E., Ivan da Costa Marques and Christina Holmes (editors). Beyond Imported Magic: Studying Science and Technology in Latin America. . MIT Press. ISBN 9780262027458. 20 s.
  • Delgado , Ana (2005). La antropología en el debate sobre los derechos de protección intellectual del conocimiento sobre la vida. Fundación el Monte. ISBN 84-8455-170-9. 13 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2023). Hvilken suksesshistorie, Heggedal? . Dagsavisen. ISSN 1503-2892.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Paul, Rakesh (2023). “Living with Living Materials” .
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2023). Living: Microbial materials and future-makings.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2023). ReglerRecipes: “Common experiments and the fermenting public”for åpen deling av data- til hjelp eller hinder.
  • Delgado , Ana (2021). Cultures of documentation, ownership and the multiple ways of open biology.
  • Delgado , Ana (2021). Acting responsibly through openness? Reflections on open science. .
  • Delgado , Ana (2020). In the Biodiscovery Pipeline: On Promising Microbes, Rare Environments and Icy Frontiers .
  • Delgado , Ana (2020). On Arctic Microbes and Augmented Promise: The Digital Turn in Bioprospecting.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). Standards, Ownership and Reusability.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). Optimize the Future.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). The Greatest Hit: On Bioprospecting Microbes and Distilled Publics.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). Bioprospecting in the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol: From Physical Samples to Digital Collections”.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). Bioprospecting for antibiotic compounds and the promissory nature of infrastructures.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). The public life of microbes. The case of bioprospecting in Norway.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). Bioprospecting for new antibiotic compounds and the promissory nature of in- frastructures.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). Res Publica: Responsibility, practice and the public good across Digital Life Norway.
  • Delgado , Ana & Aasheim, Sissel Småland (2019). Res Publica project poster.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2016). Open Tools and Infrastructures for Biology.
  • Sock, Matti & Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2015). Taking synthetic biology visions to the next level.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2015). Responsibility as an integral component of digital research practices in bio-and nanotechnology.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2015). Open Source Biology: Some notes on its ethical, legal and social implications.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Callén, Blanca (2015). Viral politics: DIYbio and e-waste hackers in the making of precariousness.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2015). DIYbio and e-waste hackers: A politics of demonstration in times of precariousness.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2015). What is Open Science.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2015). DIYbio and e-waste hacking:
A politics of demonstration in times of precariousness.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2015). Open Science is Science in Transition: Cooperation, Sharing and Crowdsourcing.
  • Delgado , Ana & Rodriguez-Giralt, Israel (2014). Creole interferences: a conflict over biodiversity and ownership in the South of Brazil. Creole interferences: a conflict over biodiversity and ownership in the South of Brazil. In Medina, E., Ivan da Costa Marques and Christina Holmes (editors). Beyond Imported Magic: Studying Science and Technology in Latin America. . MIT Press. ISSN 9780262027458.
  • Delgado , Ana ; Strand, Roger; Funtowicz, Silvio Oscar & Dankel, Dorothy Jane (2013). Plug and Play: Synthetic Biology and the Dream of Engineering Biology. Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies. ISSN 0016-3287. 48, s. 1–4.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2013). Designing Living Things. Synthetic Biology and the Will to Act at a Distant Time.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Funtowicz, Silvio Oscar; Dankel, Dorothy & Strand, Roger (2013). Plug and play: Synthetic biology and the dream of engineering life. Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies. ISSN 0016-3287. 48, s. 1–4. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2013.02.005.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2012). Creole interferences: a conflict over biodiversity and ownership in the South of Brazil.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2012). Designing programmable things in synthetic biology.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2012). Times of Design.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Funtowicz, Silvio Oscar & Dankel, Dorothy (2012). EL DEBATE: Super-ordenadores, evolución y “la basura” de la vida: ¿Cómo pueden los estudios sociales de la ciencia contribuir a un desarrollo más reflexivo de la biología sintética y de sistemas? Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad -CTS. ISSN 1668-0030. 8(24).
  • Dankel, Dorothy; Delgado, Ana & Strand, Roger (2012). 4S/EASST Copenhagen 2012: Synthetic biology: time, design, emergence.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2011). “Super-computers, evolution and the fabrication of life: How can STS contribute to more reflexive developments in systems and synthetic biology?”.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2011). Imagining Life: Super‐computers, Evolution and the “Junk of Life”.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). Governing the making of life: etnographies of innovative things.
  • Dankel, Dorothy Jane & Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). "Integration: Our Methods in the Reflexive Systems Biology Project".
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Dankel, Dorothy Jane (2010). "Reflexive Systems Biology".
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Dankel, Dorothy Jane & Strand, Roger (2010). "Reflexive Systems Biology: Towards and Appreciation of Biological, Scientific and Ethical Complexity".
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Dankel, Dorothy Jane & Strand, Roger (2010). "Reflexive Systems Biology: Towards an Appreciation of Biological, Scientific and Ethical Complexity".
  • Wickson, Fern; Kjølberg, Kamilla & Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). "Why Public is a Problem and not a Solution".
  • Rommetveit, Kjetil; Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Strand, Roger (2010). The Technolife Project.
  • Rommetveit, Kjetil & Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). Imagining Enhanced Bodies: How Can Science Fiction Contribute to Ethics for the Governance of Emerging Technologies?
  • Dankel, Dorothy Jane; Delgado, Ana & Strand, Roger (2010). Reflexive Systems Biology.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). Governing the making of life: etnographies of innovative things.
  • Strand, Roger; Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Dankel, Dorothy Jane (2010). Reflexive systems biology: towards an appreciation of biological, ethical and scientific complexity.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). Governing the making of life: synthetic biology.
  • Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). Govering the making of life: Ethnographies of innovative things.
  • Wickson, Fern; Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria & Kjølberg, Kamilla (2010). Who or what is the public? Nature Nanotechnology. ISSN 1748-3387. 5(11), s. 757–758. doi: 10.1038/nnano.2010.197.
  • Delgado , Ana (2021). Open Science: Standards and Reusability. Sent to European Commission, Brussels.
  • Delgado , Ana (2019). RRI 2.0 Rethinking Ethics for Digital Research. Submitted to RCN.
  • Sock, Matti; Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Landeweerd, Laurens & Rommetveit, Kjetil (2015). Application, Innovation and Two More Technomoral Scenarios. submitted european commission.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 11. mai 2017 11:39 - Sist endret 3. juni 2024 10:02

