The European executive order

This workshop analyses the development of a European administrative order, including agencification. Its focus is on how that relates to and reprograms national administrative orders.

The workshop is one of four parallel workshops organised as part of the conference Democratic Constitutionalism in Europe on 4-6 November 2014.

It is part of the EuroDiv project Integration and division: Towards a segmented Europe?

Participation upon invitation.

Conveners: Morten Egeberg and Jarle Trondal

The workshop focuses on the development of Europe’s executive order. It analyses the development of a European administrative order, including agencification; how that relates to and reprograms/redirects national administrative orders. Towards this aim, the workshop includes papers within three main topics: Centre formation; administrative integration; and co-existing orders.

With regard to centre formation, the aim is to map and explain (1) the establishment and change of EU-level executive bodies (Commission, EEAS, agencies); (2) decision behaviour in EU-level executive bodies (e.g. what is the relative importance of nationality and organizational position? Under what conditions are such bodies able to act relatively independently of national governments?); and (3) to whom (if any) are EU-level executive bodies accountable in practice?

The aim of the second topic of administrative integration is to (1) map and explain behaviour within national agencies (e.g. what is the relative importance of ‘steering signals’ originating from national ministries, EU-level bodies, international organizations and ‘sister agencies’ in other countries?) and the role of transnational regulatory networks in this respect; (2) investigate if more ‘direct’ implementation of EU policies leads to more harmonized practices across Europe; and (3) to what extent and how various implementation structures that span levels of governance become institutionalized practices, and their robustness in times of crisis.

Finally, the workshop aims to map and explain change and effects of co-existing orders, such as bilateral diplomacy, international organizations and EU bodies: under what conditions will a new order layer upon, or replace, existing orders? How do co-existing orders impact on governance (processes) and accountability relationships?


Session 1

Wednesday 5 Nov, 09.00-12.30

Chair: Morten Egeberg, University of Oslo

The EU multilevel administration: transforming national bureaucracies?
Tobias Bach, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin (with Eva Ruffing, University of Hannover)

Discussant: Hussein Kassim, University of East Anglia

Pooling administrative resources through EU regulatory networks
Nina M. Vestlund, University of Oslo

Discussant: Eva Ruffing, University of Hannover

Representing whom and what? Member states' representatives in EU agencies
Michael Buess, University of Lucerne

Discussant: Anchrit Wille, Leiden University


12.30-13.30  Lunch


Session 2

Wednesday 5 Nov, 13.30-17.30

Chair: Jarle Trondal, University of Agder and University of Oslo

The Janus face of agency autonomy in the European Union
Eva Ruffing, University of Hannover

Discussant: Martijn Groenleer, Delft University of Technology

How controlled by member states: the management board’s role in EU-agency governance
Mathias Johannessen, University of Oslo

Discussant: Michael Buess, University of Lucerne

Redundancy in multilevel energy governance: Why (and when) regulatory overlap can be valuable
Martijn Groenleer, Delft University of Technology

Discussant: Frode Veggeland, University of Oslo

The European Competition Network at ten (with F. Vantaggiato and K. Wright)
Hussein Kassim, University of East Anglia

Discussant: Koen Verhoest, University of Antwerp and University of Leuven


18.00  Dinner, Brasserie Hansken


Session 3

Thursday 6 Nov, 09.00-12.30

Chair: Morten Egeberg, University of Oslo

How consensual is comitology?
Joan Pere Plaza I Font, Autonomous University of Barcelona (with R. Dehousse and A. Fernandez-Pasarin)

Discussant: Åse Gornitzka, University of Oslo

Autonomy and control of EU agencies in the context of multi-level governance (with E. Ongaro)
Koen Verhoest, University of Antwerp and University of Leuven

Discussant: Tobias Bach, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

The evolving EU accountability landscape: Moving to an ever denser Union
Anchrit Wille, Leiden University

Discussant: Johan P. Olsen, University of Oslo


12.30-13.30  Lunch


ARENA Centre for European Studies
Published Oct. 13, 2014 2:27 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 1:35 PM