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Co-operation between politicians and econometricians on the formalization of political preferences, Esselte Tryck, Stockholm, The Federation of Swedish Industries, 66 pp.

Prepared for a seminar held by the Federation of Swedish Industries.


Communication and developing countries, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 4, 341-345.

Presented at the World Conference on Social Communication for Development Organizations, March 15-20 1970 in Mexico City.


Note generali sulla pianificazione, in Caffe, F. (ed): Economisti moderni, Bari, Casa editrice Gius. Laterza & Figh, 195-226.

The same as 1962e.


On a problem in pure economics, in Chipman, John S., Leonid Hurwicz, Marcel K. Richter and Hugo F. Sonnenschein (eds): Preferences, utility, and demand - A Minnesota symposium, New York, Chicago, San Francisco,Atlanta, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 386-423.

Translated by John S. Chipman from RF1926h.


Rundspørring om Fellesmarkedet [Poll about the Common Market], Sosialøkonomen, Vol 25 No 3, 47-49.


Samarbeid mellom politikere og økonometrikere om formuleringen av politiske preferanser [Cooperation between politicians and econometricians on the formulation of political preferences], Sosialøkonomen, Vol 25 No 6, 5-13.

Lecture given in Sosialøkonomisk Samfunn, Oslo, March 1971. Based on RF1971a.


Økonomisk teori og økonomisk politikk [Economic theory and economic policy], in Økonomi og politikk, Oslo, H. Aschehoug & co. (W. Nygaard), 5-13.

With Petter Jakob Bjerve. In Festschrift to Ole Myrvoll on his 60th anniversary May 18 1971. The Frisch-Bjerve article is from a conversation on the radio July 5 1970. Also as reprint No 78 from UO.

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Publisert 4. mars 2011 13:08 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 12:25