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General outlook on a method of advanced and democratic macroeconomic planning, in Bruno de Finetti (ed): Mathematical Optimization in Economics, Roma, III Ciclo, l'aquila, 29 Agosto - 7 Settembre 1965, Edizioni Cremonese, 223-264.

Issued in Italian translation as 1966c.


A generalized form of the Refi interflow table, in Kowalik, T. (ed): Problems of economic dynamics and planning. Essays in honour of Michal Kalecki, Warszawa, PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers (Pergamon Press), 133-156.


Intorno ad un metodo di pianificazione macroeconomica avanzata e democratica, Rassegna Economica, Vol 30, 5-42.

Translation of 1966a.


Leggi tecniche ed economiche della produzione industriale, Milan, Etas Kompass, 532 pp.

Translation of 1963c by Luigi M. Bianchi. Introduction by Luigi Frey, xiii-xxxvi.


Maxima and minima. Theory and economic applications, Dordrecht-Holland, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 176 pp.

In collaboration with A. Nataf. Translated from 1960d by Express Translation Service, London. Review in Econometrica: Allen 1968.


Optimal implementation, Rivista Internazionale de Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 1966 No 1.

See RF1966h.


Optimal implementation, in Tullio Bagiotti (ed): Essays in honour of Marco Fanno, Padova, Cedam - Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 270-286.


Propagation problems and impulse problems in dynamic economics, in Gordon, R. A., and L. R. Klein (eds): Readings in business cycles, London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 155-185.

Reprint of RF1933i, see the annotations.


Rational price fixing in a socialistic society, Economics of Planning, Vol 6, 97-124.

The article was to be continued, but the continuation never appeared.


Øst og Vest - og avanserte planleggingsmetoder [East and West – and advanced planning methods], Sosialøkonomen, Vol 20 No 1, 3-10.

Based on first part of a lecture given in Sosialøkonomisk Samfunn, Oslo, 1965.


Øst og vest - og avanserte planleggingsmetoder. Annen artikkel: Prisproblemet [East and west - and advanced planning methods. The second article: The price problem], Sosialøkonomen, Vol 20 No 3, 22-32.

Based on the second part of a lecture given in Sosialøkonomisk Samfunn, Oslo, on October 5 1965.


Investment starting vs. investment sinking, Economics of Planning, Vol 7, 219-231.

A paper prepared for invited lectures to be given April 1968 in the Department of Economics and Jurisprudence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.


A multilateral trade clearing agency, Economics of Planning, Vol 7, 97-105.

A slightly revised version of RF1963d.


Möglichkeiten einer vorteilhaften Anwendung der matematischen Programmierungsmetode in der bundesstaatlichen Wirtschaftsplanung Jugoslawiens, in Mayrzedt, Hans und Heelmut Romé (eds): Koexistenz zwischen Ost und West - Konflikt, Kooperation, Konvergenz, Wien, Frankfurt, Zürich, Europa Verlag Wien, 157-164 and 311-312.


The smoothing of an interpreference table, in Henn, Rudolf (ed): Operations Research-Verfahren - Methods of operations research III, Meisenheim,Verlag Anton Hain, 181-191.


Monopol - Polypol - der Begriff der Kraft in der Wirtschaft, in Barnikel, Hans-Heinrich (ed): Wettbewerb und Monopol, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 35-56

Reprint of RF1965b.


Et numerisk eksempel som viser hvorledes prinsipper fra "The Oslo Channel Model" kan brukes for å avgjøre valg mellom investeringsprosjekter [A numerical example which shows how principles from "The Oslo Channel Model" can be used to decide choices between investment projects], Oslo,Bergen, Tromsø, Universitetsforlaget, 72 pp.


An Interview with  the professor Ragnar Frisch Published in a Separatum in a review from The General Assembly of the Hungarian Economic Association. P. 208.

Interview took place during Frisch’s stay in Budapest between 29 March and 7 April, 1968.


Econometrics in the midst of analytical and social turmoils, in Dalenius, T., G. Karlsson, and S. Malmquist (eds): Scientists at work. Festschrift in honour of Herman Wold, Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 249-259.


Econometrics in the world of today, in Eltis, W. A., M. Fg. Scott, and J. N. Wolfe (eds): Induction, growth and trade - Essays in honour of Sir Roy Harrod, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 152-166.


From utopian theory to practical applications: The case of econometrics, Réimpression de Les Prix Nobel en 1969, 213-243.

Ragnar Frisch's Nobel Prize Award Lecture, June 17, 1970.


Partial time regressions as compared with individual trends, in Hooper, J. W. and Nerlove, M. (eds): Selected readings in econometrics from Econometrica, Cambridge Massachusetts and London, M. I. T. Press, 17-31.

With Frederick V. Waugh. A reprint of RF1933f.


Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch, Réimpression de Les Prix Nobel en 1969, 211-212.

Biographical note written for the Nobel Prize Award.

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Publisert 4. mars 2011 13:06 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 12:25